
I'm so glad I'm not the only person who thinks this.

Don't even get me started on this. I saw Trinity Blood immediately after a re-viewing of Evangelion and immediately wanted to write a dissertation on it.

I can and will happily fault American film makers for deciding to protect their own (and their audiences') feelings over making something more powerful/truthful. A big reason why "everything Godzilla related…has been goofy" is because of the way American companies repackaged them. Context is important.

Which part are you waiting for confirmation on? Upchurch was actually arrested and Fowler left the book, so really the only question is if Upchurch will get paid as an artist and a co-creator moving forward, or just as a co-creator.

Please mark down one vote for jockstraps.

For the record, it's not just that Upchurch was arrested and charged…it's also that he's refusing to pay child support or alimony, despite continuing to get paid by Image and fans for commissions, etc.

I might finally drop Red Hood. I really only ever read it because I love Jay and Roy's dynamic and now that's gone so I don't have a good reason anymore.

I think most of it got lost in the great HD failure of 2011, unfortunately. Plus, nobody wants to read like 10k words for Big Issues. XD

I have like eight gifs I want to reply with but sadly Disqus does not support gif usage because they like hobbling my primary form of communication. :(

Yesssssss I might have to dive in for this one (if that's ok). I freaking love this book, it was a huge part of my grad thesis.

This is the best comment ever.

Short answer: yes.

UGH I WANT IT NOW. Let's go write some fanfiction.

Oh man I'm probably going to get burned in effigy when CM comes out.

He was a really great genderswapped Joker's Daughter.

It's the same problem I have with most 616 books, too. I don't ever feel like I"m allowed to enjoy myself, because such terrible shit is happening to everyone. With the very rare exception of stuff like Squirrel Girl, it always feels like I'm supposed to be Emotionally Effected, but not have fun.

That would be an AWESOME book. Seriously, it would be so neat, especially if Jen got Bruce into therapy or an Adult Children of Alcoholics group, and it could spill over into her relationship with Carol and his with Tony. It would be super emotionally intimate, but framed around all the punching and science that

Actually maybe after the wedding I should get drunk and do a Google Hangout of me watching it.

I walk away from MCU movies feeling bad. I walked out of Suicide Squad laughing. That's the biggest difference to me between the two at this point.

I will just yell shit at the screen about hats and uniforms and who the fuck is Peggy this is bullshit.