
I thought there was a few funny bits but definitely the whole twist that they twins weren't drinking was just idiotic. Why would Dennis throw the beer in Franks face if he knew it was water? And then why would Frank bother to wait for some other rule to be broken to reveal it? Doesn't seem much like the Sunny 'scream

It's SO much easier to make a Parks style mocumentary (and one that doesn't even pretend to be an actual documentary! Have cake, eat it) then it is to make a full, fourth wall narrative like Community so it should ALWAYS be rewarded much more.

Parks must have new writers or something because April, Andy, Tom and
Chris have all just become assholes, whereas before at least the writers came up with more imaginative ways for them to be assholes indirectly, even,

Yes, definitely.

I'm trying to think what I'd do if I was Tom Hanks son…………

Totally. I was pinned to my chair for the whole thing. From the very first shots it just seemed to hum with a really potent energy and the whole production just felt drum tight. Like Pulp fiction or a David Lynch movie there was an undercurrent of such mystery and menace.

You're dead right about Britta and well caught and verbalised.

I'd have to bump this one well up there and maybe Conspiracies.

Fuck I forgot about 'Luck'!

All you want.

God, there really are enough people in America to support the careers of unbelievably average bands.

I gotta say, and call me rube all you want, but I'd probably definitely watch a movie about that.

I  know, there's always the screaming I guess, but sometimes the build to it brilliantly and sometimes they all just scream with out looking like the really care.

A lot of people seem to love it alright, so maybe it's just me.

That was it. He got the broadband working and then went back to his room with a swish of his cape.

Toooooooooooooo loooooooooooooooong.

It was on the weak side, but Danny DeVito played the shit out of it.

I can see why the made Andy the boss, it's better to promote from
withing and he's the only character who everybody else likes, but I
think that's the problem.

I can see why the made Andy the boss, it's better to promote from withing and he's the only character who everybody else likes, but I think that's the problem.

And why, for a prank book presumably trying ti ruin dwinght's hosting did it actually just list strange anitquated though actually novel and interesting things to do.