
Newt Week previews ARE the best though. Makes Shark Week look like Flounder Fortnight

Ah ok, I wasn't sure if we'd seen his back post-Nola scrap and I don't get to see the newt week's previews the way I watch so I literally have no visual reference for this other guy beyond what's been said here. So I do trust you can just TELL it's not the same guy in the way we all can with eyes.

Cuz it was Burton!

Pity but can see his point. Isn't he like 40? With his biggest role previous having been playing twins on a New Zealand sitcom.

HAS to be him. Hates Rebecca, loves killing brutally, has huge motive. Would easily have the smarts and skills to hide her murder amongst a few other random young women to cloud the true motive and that she was the actual only intended victim.

But have we seen Burton's back NOT IN A FLASHBACK to him being beaten or rescued by Proctor?

Apologies for the awkward formatting

Surely Burton has to be the serial killer?

Surely Burton has to be the serial killer?

So glad the Father Ted quotes get cracked out immediately!

I guess maybe not. But hey, isn't that the great thing about it all? Two people can see the objectively same thing and feel subjectively completely different about it.

Exactly, it's having the chops to LAND the fucker. It's (relatively) easy to set up a world and hint at a great big mystery and intricate plot, but it's tying shit up and making it have the 'surprising yet inevitable' conclusion that's the hallmark of proper story telling. It's really where the craft comes into the

I loved the Tree of Life, but yeah because I think malick was best served by jettisoning straight narrative altogether and delving deeper into his own personal themes and aesthetic, whereas before the very basic stories were always sort of distracting.

I think Nolan is a GREAT director (visualist, stylist, mood etc.) I just wish he'd let someone else write the scripts (which seems to be the fastest dissappearing skill in Hollywood). Ah, he's by far not the worst culprit but I can't seem to help ragging on the Drak Knight mainly (though Inception is probably the

Felt exactly the same way (i.e. sleepy), it just seemed to revel in being completely impenatrable, lacking in any dramatic tension or suspense even withing scenes. Maybe if we'd read the book but I think it's part of a new genre of films I'm classifying as 'Emperor's Arty Clothes Wank' or EACW. Films that LOOK like

As an Irish person who is immune to his accent I can tell you he has no mojo or charm. AND LIKES SHOUTING BECAUSE THAT MAKES THINGS FUNNY!!

Does that mean I'm wrong?

COMICS writer david goyer. Not screenplay writer. And he also wrote loads of other terrible comic movies right? A few shitty blade sequels I think, AND he didn't write the movie I'm talking about. Nolan and his equally unqualified brother did. His only good scripts have beensimple ones he then chops up and mixes

For realzies, this just remineds me why I hate those nolan films so much.

@avclub-e129a878f7b0e5aa9ac09e0282f64ea6:disqus , I was pretty sure that was a line from the film. Unless you're quoting one back and I've just blown the riff train off the tracks!