
Huh… I really liked this episode.

Chekhov's gun. I'm really afraid.

Solid rebuttal. Would read again.

How are AV Club writers paid and what other web outfits are on Libby Hill's CV? Because it seems to me knowing that information could help us evaluate this review's hostility to Jim's horror over clickbait journalism.

I've often wondered whether his protests about not wanting the job were honest, or if what he REALLY wanted to do was avoid the Conan fate.

Peter Capaldi has been on a couple of times. Though not since the Doctor Who announcement.

People keep referring to the puppet episode, which is confusing to me, because I only watched those S4 episodes once and I had to get really drunk to do it.

The AV Club talked me into watching this ridiculous show and on Sunday Todd used the word "mansplain" in his review of The Newsroom.

I really enjoyed this show.

Oh man.  We have a full on Oleanna situation here.

"I don’t know precisely where Brody lives, but the “jaunt” from northern
Virginia to Gettysburg, no matter how early he begins, seems like it’s
something that should take him so long he’d have to miss the fundraiser
anyway. Am I wrong about this?"

"I don’t know precisely where Brody lives, but the “jaunt” from northern
Virginia to Gettysburg, no matter how early he begins, seems like it’s
something that should take him so long he’d have to miss the fundraiser
anyway. Am I wrong about this?"

Because this is the Bush 43 school of intra-Muslim conflicts, where bin Laden, Hassan Nasrallah, and Saddam Hussein all got together and went bowling.

Because this is the Bush 43 school of intra-Muslim conflicts, where bin Laden, Hassan Nasrallah, and Saddam Hussein all got together and went bowling.

Emma is a hilarious mess of a human being. 

Emma is a hilarious mess of a human being. 

I've checked in and out of Weeds over the years, so I didn't feel the need to tie the finale in my head into a coherent whole. I enjoyed it for what it was. And there were really some nice moments. 

I've checked in and out of Weeds over the years, so I didn't feel the need to tie the finale in my head into a coherent whole. I enjoyed it for what it was. And there were really some nice moments. 

Yeah, but when the irrational decisions of characters happen to effect a karmic payback, Shakespearean irony in the proceedings, the device can feel a bit manipulative. And unearned.

Yeah, but when the irrational decisions of characters happen to effect a karmic payback, Shakespearean irony in the proceedings, the device can feel a bit manipulative. And unearned.