
Can you please specify where "elsewhere" is? I am, uh, not real familiar with that particular novel.

Have you ever actually chewed kale? The answer is no, because there is no past tense to chewing kale. You either have or have not started.

Fuck it, here's mine:
I'd have telekinesis, down to the subatomic level. This would give me, essentially, godlike powers: I could do all kinds of manipulation, from removing all cancer cells to creating superefficient solar/PV cells to your various alchemies, up to and including brain chemistry, and there's where it

I think electro stim is more suited to Dan Savage's area.

You guys realize these pun threads are Universally abhorred, right?

Not without a funny wig, dig?

He (she?) said "etc"! Jeez!

and his pal, a royal bird of prey!

It's so accurate it hurts!

Just … quit.

Mine was at the medieval fair where he's horribly hung over and the kid with the dark hair over his eyes did something wrong and McGuirk tries to send him home and the kid's like "I don' cur." to anything he doesn't want to hear, until coach is finally like "fuck it."

I believe the phrase is, "Everything is a dildo if you're brave enough."

Oh shit, for realz? I'm the fuckin MASTER of those!

Well… why the fuck not?

"Seriously dangerous foe, who is currently weakened by the very same environmental factors that nearly destroyed me as a child: here is the means to overcome those factors. OK now it's fair."
- Stupid fucking alien Joe Al or whatever the fuck his name was goddamn that shit pissed me off, Man of Steel

She likes to lock.

Haven't seen the movie, so I can't argue with that.

I took it as a comment on his ability to wear damn near literally anything and still have people be like "Oh, Andre is really rockin the Hefty Cinch Sacks tonight."

Mohd is notorious well known for getting the first comment on many articles, with said first comment often only vaguely related, at best, to the article content. He also has sensibilities that are not as PC as most commenters who hail from the USA (I believe he's in Malaysia? can't remember) and so occasionally