

Security plays guitar too, man.

fuck it?

But not her kidnapping. That's too far.

Ur kind? Are you a bear?

::dies of cirrhosis of the liver acute alcohol poisoning in less than 4 minutes::

Hey now…

"Dawn of…" came out in 2014 and is quite good.

"until security stopped the show and escorted the her offstage." B.G. Henne, did you even watch that video? Because what I saw contradicted both that statement, and even the possibility that he was surprised. He saw her, played some guitar and apparently let the meth kick in, then turned around and punched her in

"Mississippi" too.
get NERvous
as i, SWERve this
cadillac through PURvis


Peter Capaldi: not feckin Ainglish.

That headline almost made me choke on my yogurt muesli.

Emotion will run high.

Clearly SOMEONE didn't do their Homework.

Really? I had no idea. I'll hold off on donating to him then, by which I mean, hold off forever.

Check out The Road.

"winning" story? It's a competition? You told the story about finding out your sister was murdered on Mother's Day and that was deemed to not be the "best" story. Jesus fuck, that's brutal.

What's that internet? Another opportunity to stump for Brutal Doom?