
I thought I'd be a hoo hoo and e-mail HBO and see what they would say about this (I use the HBO GO app).

His level of psycopathy is fascinating to behold. How stupid is the lawyer who let him or his daughter speak (and then talk about their suffering)? Good Lord. FWIW, he should be paroled. He was sentenced based upon getting away with the double murder. The lawyer should have just shown comparisons of sentences and say

I had to look up "marquee" to discover it is a tent, so I appreciate that being a logodædalus and all.

It's the demon rum. He's from Cambridge. He's a sot.

I was going to go with Fleetwood Mac parody.

I went to my library's digital collection to see if it was available for Kindle. It was not, so I clicked "Recommend" and then a pop-up makes suggestions about similar titles one may like.

This film should appeal to Whitey a great deal. It has false nostalgia (we shall be reliving the nineties a great deal soon), a Duplass brother, thus providing indie cred; clearly it fails the Bechdel Test, allowing Whitey to flaunt his (or her) BA in Gender Theory; New York, for obvious reason; and artists with their

Knowing little about comic books save they are called graphic novels now, I asked myself, "Michael Eisner gives awards for such?"

I think I didn't like it because it was just a line from A to B on how they got the plans. I really didn't need a movie for that. As I get older, I like Star Wars less and less. On the other hand, The Empire Strikes Back has themes and concerns beyond the mere plot.

Yeah, the pardon issue has not been decided. But I have found that a preponderance of analysts say that he can. (It was assumed Nixon would pardon himself, for instance.)

Violating the Constitution has no criminal or civil penalties attached and is thus not illegal. The Constitution merely gives the "rules of the game" in regards to the creation and conduct of the government. "Illegal" means "against the law" and thus has civil or criminal consequences.

Remember when some VHS editions were in the original aspect ratio? I recall when Lawrence of Arabia was restored (which I had the good fortune to see in a movie palace with a five-story screen) and I got it and watched it on my 13" RCA, lol. It was like watching a roll of postage stamps.

I've not read the novel nor seen the movie. But I have seen Tim's Vermeer, which is this cool documentary about a man who posits that Vermeer's use of light and the fact that the human eye cannot see in the way his paintings were presented meant that he painted from a camera obscura. So he had a set created and a

I had put the Blu-Ray on hold at my library, but there were like 50 people ahead of me. However, I finally got it last night. Now I see this, lol.

1) Unconstitutional does not mean illegal. Most of our government and present laws are unconstitutional in law or practice.

The correct answer is the xylophone (maybe it is a marimba) solo in the Starbuck (not Dirk Benedict) song "Moonlight Feels Right".

Just ask her sister.

Lena Dunham is joining American Horror Story

Honestly, I don't even think I noticed that line until college. Then I chuckled to myself and understood why Miss Purna was shaky about letting us hear it.

In third grade, we'd listen to the Grease soundtrack in homeroom before classes started. Someone would bring in the LP and there was a little portable plugged in by the coat racks.