
I really liked this show. Martin Short is someone who runs hot and cold with me. Sometimes I think he is funny. Other times he is like Jerry Lewis and I can't stand that stuff.

It's interesting how you correlate Elvis's mental state with the, perhaps, darker tone of his song choices; especially since no one wrote for Elvis, he covered songs he liked. (Then I remember the wonderful "Snowbird" and "I Can Help" and there goes that hypothesis.)

[Waves hand over Tekkactus]

"I've Got A Thing About You Baby" is one of my go-to Elvis songs. Good Lord, that song is fantastic.

I am pro-Applebee's. There, I said it. I know it is wrong. I like Pizza Hut once a year also. But I go to this one Applebee's like once or twice a week. Not really for the food, I am rather indifferent to it. But I like the staff. They are a nice group and we all get along. Plus, Stoli martinis are $6.95 for like a

I have Wegman's and that place is the shit.

He's English. He doesn't fart.

Holy crap! Now that's some good trivium!

I will be in England again and I told my friend we need to go on Pointless. That show is incredibly easy.

I call my Mom "Little Ham". It has to do with a time I gave her money to play the slots and she just sat there with a beatific smile patting the button like a NASA chimp wanting a banana pellet.

I'd actually reveal myself to be more of a nerd on SDI, despite having seen all the Star Wars movies in their original run and re-release.

Honestly, we should all just agree to turn the comments off from this one. No good can come of it. It's all been said before. Nothing to see here, folks; move along. C'mon. It's OK. We don't need to beat every subject into the ground.

"Wichita Lineman" and "Southern Nights" are my favorites.

I went to see it but I remember just being kinda bored. I liked when he cut Jeanne Tripplehorn's and the child urchin's hair.

We do not speak ill of Robert Pattinson, for he is dreamy.

That's a lawyer's distinction.

If you like your comments, you'll be able to keep your comments.

Is that still around? I cut the cord a decade ago (thus not seeing commercials) and I do not shop for coffee. If I do, I get Asshole Beans because inevitably it is a hoodely-hoo coming over.

I'll give him Aliens. That movie rocked.

There has to be a Paul Anka number somewhere in there.