
Without a doubt Woz was the visionary programmer. I don't think Jobs was ever considered a programmer. Jobs openly stole most ideas and even stole Edwin Land's schtick for presentation. But, you need a good salesman. Jobs was indeed that.

Think of how I feel. I'm a gay man who had turtlenecks ruined for him.

Has anyone read the novel? A cursory glance through the comments didn't glean much. It has been sitting on my Kindle for a couple years (that and 900 other books) and much like going to the gym or marrying The Situation, I intend to follow through but never do.

My friend works for Apple and I swear if Steve Jobs is mentioned, he looks Heavenward and closes his eyes, mouthing, "Steve Jobs is a genius."

But do you respect wood?

Here's a couple articles which will give the broad points:

You should check out Denmark's regulation model and how they got there.

What I like about this episode is how it is one of perception. It is easy to say after the fact, "Oh, if Bette only listened a little more," or, "If Joan tried to see things from their side," but life doesn't work that way. Especially since they were both an Aries and clawed their way to the top.


When I steam live lobster, I make a stock after but I will boil my pasta in the stock when making lobster mac 'n' cheese. Best to do the pasta a day ahead. It really gets more flavor the second day.

"That's nacho cheese! That's nacho cheese!"

The Canadian performer Snow?

I did read With Nails and you are right, that is a really well-done book. He manages to his some truths without sounding bitchy about it, though Grant does have a modicum of snark. Thank you for reminding me of that book. A friend gave it as a gift and I read it in one sitting.

Two of my favourite are by Francine du Plessix Gray and Jeanette Walls.

Once in a while, I enjoy a celebrity memoir.

The one with the guitar.

You will not regret it. Just remember, one orders a "tray" of pizza or a "cut" (never a "slice") and say whether you want "red" or "white". Red is obviously tomato sauce and white is a stuffed garlic pizza basically. If you get red, don't bother with toppings. It is so good just plain.

My, oh, my, if the scientific, such as it is, premise is that pizza imprints itself on the brain, then I am thrilled my first pizza was from Old Forge, PA. Google it. The town has 8,000 people and 19 pizza shops on one street. We always got ours from Arcaro & Genell's. Trays of red. Old Forge pizza is so damned good,

It is.

Fleming was in Playboy in the 1960s. This focuses on the parallel courses that the Bond novels and the magazine took regarding their ethos. Bond lived simply but dressed and dined well, largely off the proceeds of gambling. Playboy promulgated the idea of a man with intentional (what we'd now call curated) style.