
I bookmarked this page so I can later send the link.

What is hilarious about Buckley is his native language was Spanish, his second language was French (from schools) and English was his third language. Crazy.

For anyone who grew up with HBO in the 1980s, you watched Going in Style a lot. First of all, George Burns was God. So he was a popular actor and comedian still. It wasn't like you were somehow watching a movie where you had to be in the spirit to enjoy it.

Oh, that's good. I have always said he looked like an undercooked blancmange (which I copped from a criticism of Truman Capote lest you think me clever).

In the category of For Those Who Care, here is a fun debate between William F. Buckley and Hugh Hefner from 1966.

Yeah, it's like I cannot understand French in Marseilles. But Belgian French is quite easy to understand. I think it is because I am acclimated to northern accents.

Give them a thumbs down.

Talk about cognitive dissonance: I do not really think this show is that good, but I love watching it. And it's not a hate-watch. Yes, I do the petty things we gay men do like marveling at Jane Fonda's surgery and wardrobe, rolling my eyes over the Valuable Lessons we must endure in the service of plot, dreaming about

And they do speak Dutch in Belgium.

Ought not the plural of "Smurf" be "Smurves"?

Worse, like a fool, I went through my viewing history, right-clicked on the title, and opened it in a new window so I didn't have to go back and forth to rate. This caused Netflix to think that 300 users opened my account and it locked.

Marni Nixon dubbed her singing.

I worked so hard being sure to rate everything so my recommendations could come out right.

Wow, total shock. Let me sit down and process this.

The twin daughters said Christina made it up (I am going by memory so I may get something wrong). But the twins also saw the adult relationship. However, many of Joan's contemporaries stood by her (who was now dead) when the book came out.

I remember The Food of the Gods. I think it had Ida Lupino. My parents would take me to the drive-in. And the first movie was for kids. You had the speaker hanging on the window, the mosquito coil burning on the dash. Dad was smoking cigarettes and maybe having a beer. And there would be five movies. It's hard to

It brought out the cheekbones.

The Exorcist was nominated for ten Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Director, Screenplay, Actress, Supporting Actress, and Supporting Actor. It won for sound mixing and its screenplay adaptation.

More than anything else about this episode (about which I could gush about for days), it started me thinking about how much the Academy Awards® mattered. I mean, we all gave a shit as if we knew these people and had a horse in the race. Even recently, I remember when Johnny Depp got his first nomination and we all

Gabourey Sidibe.