
As for me, being a gay dude (though I identify as androphilic) born in the 1970s, I grew up with these movies. You'd come home from school and watch the afternoon movie, which always had some name like Million Dollar Movie. So these were not strangers to me or any of my friends. Especially when all the old actresses

This shit scared the crap out of me when I was a kid.

It always made me upset when Oates was allowed to sing. It's like, "You're not allowed to sing. That's not the contract."

It is also because art schools have no admission standards anymore out of fear of creating another Hitler.

Oh, man. Thanks. You know, it is one of those films you think about in the car or during a reverie in a restaurant (for I offend so greatly I must always eat alone).

Estrogen therapy was not available to Bette Davis at the time. It is as simple as that and good genetics.

I swear, lol, Gwen is taking all my posts in incorporating them into her articles.

I adore this film. We used to watch it every year in grammar school.

Charlotte d'Amboise played Darrow in the stage version Loeb!.

Ah, Rope. They call it "Lesser Hitchcock", if such a thing really exists.

I've noticed that the review has become a living document. The caption originally referenced Dick Cavett. Aldrich was said to have directed The Magnificent Seven. Now Ida Lupino is mentioned. These are three things I said in posts for this review.

Which I hear is overrated.

Great homage to Mommie Dearest this episode when Crawford was at the William Morris Agency. Same outfit and everything.

Shout out to Ida Lupino, who sadly isn't mentioned much and I expected her to be mentioned in this episode.

I saw Crawford's performance on the pilot of Night Gallery (episode directed by Stephen Spielberg). It is about a blind woman given sight and it is fantastic.

I always expected Madonna to "age properly" and not become filled and plumped and peeled. It is creepy how she dresses. She should be Marlene Dietrich and not Mae West.

It is a pity most of the Jack Paar episodes were wiped. There is a good one with Mary McCarthy a week after the Kennedy assassination. IIRC, there are only about a dozen episodes extant. Clips remain, especially those with political figures present.

I am also hoping this gets him something more than the "kindhearted homosexual" roles he's been getting in films. He is such a tremendous talent.

Crawford was known to be rabidly devoted to her fans. She knew better than anyone that fans were the key to her success. So she signed every autograph offered, was always dressed impeccably, and did what it took to sell the goods.

I'd have to go back but I also think they misquoted the famous Davis ad in Variety. It seemed to lack the "more affable than rumored" part.