
Don't forget that Davis did not have estrogen therapy when the Change of Life occurred. I am 45, 37 if you hit an online dating site, and if you are in your twenties, you might not realise how old women Iooked old back in the day. Their hair turned gray and dyes were garish. Factor in everyone smoked. And, FWIW, there

Favorite scenes:

I have a Roku and the Shout Factory app has about 100 interviews. One "season" was based upon Hollywood and I saw the Davis interview. It is good entertainment.

I used to work for a plastic surgeon and she and I are of the opinion that Sarandon just lucked out genetically. Her skin doesn't have the waxy appearance of someone with multiple laser treatments or chemical lifts. The eyes don't have the hollowness from an upper lid blepharoplasty. Those cheekbones let the skin hang

First off, Sarandon deserves the Emmy for this little scene.

I strongly doubt it, though I am working from memory here. I bet more kids just hurt themselves trying shit out than actually trying to take down The Man.

IIRC correctly, Webster intentionally manipulated the spelling so that the nation could have their own English language. The idea was to stop being British. I believe the US lost its British accent around the 1820s, when Webster was making creating the dictionary.

I learned "nauseated" from a wonderful compendium called An Incomplete Education. It is one of those books which provides synopses on various subjects. For a kid like me, being able to be pointed in a direction when I didn't know what questions to ask was a godsend.

Sock it to me?

With me, it is using "anxious" when "eager" is meant.

Oh, Jesus wept! A desire for proper English comes from a place of racism.

He resembles Frankie Valli to me.

For me, it was, "Nick Charles wrote The Anarchist's Cookbook?"

A preponderance of this site has become "unnecessary hectoring judgment".

Unless you were raised doing this, please do not take it up.

I am not a Papist either, but I often watch Sheen just because he is so mesmerizing. Those coal-black eyes and imperious manner. You can see a lot of his shows on the YouTube. And I agree, he really does not discuss dogma or Catholicism per se, but ideas of a more metaphysical bent.

And his Top Ten song on the Hot 100, "Old Rivers", would be released eight months before the film.

Estrogen therapy changed everything.

Or Airport '77.