
Great transition in the scene which opens in black-and-white showing Davis/ Jane under a hanging light. Frightening and completely resembling the actual film. It fades into color as Lange/ Crawford appears in the background to complain about the Hopper article.

I am so glad I am not waiting until this is finished and binging it for seven hours. My homosexuality could not handle all this largess in one sitting. I'd end up marrying Liza Minnelli if I did.

I'll say it: I cried at the end.

Clambake is batshit, too. I mean, most of The King's cinematic Ĺ“uvre is pretty crazy, but those two are out-of-this world crazy.

To be fair, she does have monochromatic color blindness.

Burt Reynolds, on an episode of Dinner for Five, tells a story about how he used to escort Bette Davis to Hollywood parties. So one night he calls and she says she is running late and to attend Sidney Lumet's party without her, she'll arrive later.

Sadly, the media notoriety this story engendered will result in Ms. Britten having to pay taxes on the cash value of all those gifts as Mr. Vedder's kind donation will have easily put her over the $13,000 mark.

We do not believe in Ben Affleck.

Disney killed her.

I don't know why, but "cat books" always makes me laugh.

I see he goes to Malcolm Gladwell's stylist.

She played the Mexican husband of Janet Leigh.

The rumors about the Coreys went on in the underground press for years.

And Divine Brown's oral copulation of a stammering movie idol.

Yeah, pity Al Franken isn't head writer.

And I am guilty as everyone else. I was about 24 when that happened and I was puffing my bong roaring at the Dancing Itos. I worked in a hotel and we had an "OJ Slash" special at the bar. It was a Screwdriver with a line of Grenadine floated atop. HI-LARRY-US.

IMO, I found Schwimmer's performance surprisingly effective. He portrayed Kardashian's confusion and disbelief over not only the murder (and near-decapitation) of a close friend, but with a growing realization that it was perpetrated by her husband, who was a man Kardashian admired and loved.

Dancing Itos was quite strange. A horrible double-homicide reduced to a mediocre bit on a television show. So odd.

This is on the YouTube if anyone cares enough. Nora Ephron wrote it and Jackie Cooper (!) directed it. It's got Ruth Gordon, too. It is not associated with Going in Style in any way, having been on television the year before, but wow. I am totally going to puff-puff and watch this.

If you grew up with HBO in the early 80s, you've seen this movie quite a few times.