
"Fucking Henry Clay."

The best way to tackle this subject is to read 1876, by Gore Vidal. The novel is a lot of fun, and is funny. You get a great overview of the subject, its historical context, and aftermath. Better than most history classes.


I mean no place, child.

Find someone else, but screw around with the ex.

Now you are just talking to hear yourself speak. Anyone who takes the piss on The Elements of Style ought be viewed with suspicion.

Hmm, you didn't use an ash when spelling diæresis but you retained the diacritical mark?

I recall Mad Magazine's parodies of the NY Times, "All the news that fits."

If you seek quality editing, this is not the place to be.

Let us reflect upon The Hokey Pokey for a moment.

It is sorta like when Paul Newman asked, "Why go out for bœuf à la maison when you can have bifteck at home?"

I thought you were referring to the fellatio technique.

Thank you for using a diæresis.

Good God y'all.

Right? Freihofer's Potato Bread.

We do not believe in Shrek.

It's a foregone conclusion that Bening gets her Oscar® this year.

I recall that movie being HBO as a child, but I've never seen it. I do vaguely remember the story behind it. There were fewer media outlets back in the day thus if something broke through, it stayed in your memory better.

How do you kill a WASP?

Good Lord, what could be the reason for this except to show a grisly death?