
While fashionable, your quip is specious.

I've heard Aaron Carter was passed around Hollywood. His parents are such desperate gold diggers they turned a blind eye.

This is starting to smack of the Rothschild banking conspiracy.

Hear, fuckin', hear.

Jesus Christ, it's just a general comment thread. I wasn't accusing anyone of rape.

In the photo, what makes these Glaswegians furtive?

I don't disagree but I simply do not like Ben Affleck as an actor, a brand, or as a person (despite never having met him).

I admit that I need to see The Departed again. I only saw it once and wasn't present.

I've never particularly liked her myself, but I thought she was hilarious in The Ghost Writer.

I fancy Whippin's for the Prostitution myself.

I like the medical term "antral lavage".

I found the movie to be wildly overrated. The editing was horrible, which is shocking considering Thelma Schoonmaker did the work. It was low rent Goodfellas to me. The characters learned no lessons. There was no growth or arc. These were all horrible people. I might just be getting old but I have a harder and harder

That's meth.

She also played the mystery woman who gives the lawyer letters showing Christine was having an affair and may have lied on the stand which lead to Vole's acquittal.

I didn't know they still made Shrinky Dinks. I didn't like them as a kid because I was a crazy child about order. Like I never colored outside the lines, going so far as to make a heavy outline in the color I was going to use so it stopped my crayon. I never mixed Play-Doh colors. (Was there nothing greater in the 70s

Call it cognitive dissonance or just rank hypocrisy but I am fine with this but not Affleck. Perhaps because And Then There Were None was so good. The BBC imprimatur helps. As someone who enjoys The Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name I am ipso facto Anglophilic.

I forgot about that remake as Harrison Ford so offends me.

She should have received an Oscar nomination. You have to see the film a couple times to figure out she was the other woman.

Amen! I put in over a decade both FOH and BOH. I couldn't have said it better myself.