
I dated Ruby Tuesdays waiter and he was a PITA.

'Worked for Google.

Like they tell you in film school, "You can't kill someone with a Coke can."

Yeah, we live in an era where people will just harass you legally even if they know they don't have a chance of winning. They'll destroy you with having to mount a legal defense.

That poor girl. Didn't she just want to sing a song for her birthday and everything just got outta hand?

Oh no you don't. I have my Asshole Bona Fides in restaurant dining. But I have a soft spot for this one particular place. I don't know what it is. I don't like TGIFriday's (except the one in Greenbelt, MD which is like being in the commercials). I don't like Chili's. I generally try not to eat at chains just so my

I love my local Applebee's. I know that is wrong in many ways, but I really look forward to my Mondays there. I like the bartenders, everyone is nice to me. I always get the Quesadilla Burger but I sub broccoli as the side. I meet friends there. Listen, I know there are better places and better food but for some

I am not sure, but I think that would have qualified for Fair Use. Unless those restaurants used ASCAP only artists, etc.

Yeah, I don't think people realize how huge a fight that was. And to think Warners paid $25 million to get the rights in the first place.

At least we don't have to hear "For He's A Jolly Good Fellow" in movies anymore.

It's either cry or be offended on another's behalf.

I don't care. I would gladly pleasure him.

I think you read the remarks out of order. In my response to someone questioning my calling Kris a humanist when her response did not indicate that, I replied that I childishly made an ad hominem response because I was irritated by the obviously rote, "The story is an extreme version of religious patriarchy and what

I have instructions that her version of "Up Up and Away" be played at my funeral.

Technically Martin was never laicized and thus remained chaste.

Which make sense because serial killers have no superego.

That's a great suggestion.

I just got Toobin's book on the Hearst kidnapping. I watched a little of his interview on In Depth. He believes that Hearst did it of her own volition (I do not).

No, it's the Zionist banking conspiracy.

And he is batshit enough to do it.