
In Cold Blood would not afford the producers the opportunity to teach us all a valuable lesson.

You have to admit, that is the best thing to read on a plane. Besides the fact that you sit there going, "Who in the name of all that's fuck would buy this shit? A dog dish attached to a putting green? Huh? $249.00?"

Me too. But the show is far too good-natured to succeed on American television. Also, Americans do not appreciate cleverness as the British do. I, too, am hooked on the show and love that YouTube has most of the shows on there. Though the best one I have seen is on the Hulu: "Immortal Bard". The part about Morris

Right? I've wanted to pleasure him since Serial Mom.

I thought this show would be cool as I had read The Soul of a New Machine first. But I barely crawled to the finish of the first season on the Netflix. I wasn't expecting Mad Men in terms of verisimilitude or whatnot, but the show is just so on-the-nose. Mutiny — who farted. I guess it would have seemed rad in the 80s.

I suspect you've been watching Dynasty.

God is still a mite displeased with Under the Cherry Moon.

I clicked on his name and saw he was a video game writer. Techs are known to blame others immediately when something goes wrong. However, more striking was the Creative Writing degree. Nothing brings out the sulphur like a more successful writer.

Film so titled to avoid confusion with Looking: The Opera.

I got a spiralizer and it almost makes up for not having pasta.

And we are up to 552 comments, whoops, 553; nope, 554; on how everyone, but me, seems to hate Max Landis.

That's bold statement around here. I have noticed a precarious drop in even the most basic forms of grammar in the last year or so. I used to come here because I liked a few of the writers and marveled at their ability to take a good swing at something mere hours after a show aired.

I think he's smashing. He's a little too high-energy for me but he is rather prolific (despite few projects coming to fruition) and I'd be very happy if he let me sleep over once in a while. I'd be really quiet. I'd just read a book. He hits the sweet spot for me.

Yeah, I watched his YouTube video on his pitch for that and I was shocked to say that for a 45 minute pitch, I was enthralled. I figured after three minutes I'd get it and be done but he had me by the throat. That was a great story told well.

lol, I am just the opposite. I have a huge crush on him. And he has stunning hands.

I love this show for all the reasons everyone else does and there is one other thing: the hipster invariably shits the bed in the first rounds. That fills me with joy.

"Hold Me" is impossible to sing along to. You can never sing in tune to that song.

Just don't get into hock calling The Box.

"This looks like a good place to put your knee up."

I read Them: Adventures with Extremists and it is not the hatchet-job the title implies. Ruby Ridge in particular appears to be a case of the US government running amok over people who believe the federal bureaucracy is running roughshod over the Constitution.