
"Here's the wind-up. Here's the pitch…"

Yeah, I was just starting college when the show hit.

I like that it was the greatest Women Drivers joke in the universe. Gets a ship, gets lost.

Max Landis has stunning hands.

Where can you get a giant bag of dicks? Tesco? I only have the individually-wrapped ones.

We do not believe in Elijah Wood.

Sean Connery.

Based upon this epaulets, he is actually a commander.

To paraphrase the great philosopher Richard Nixon, "Love is like a cigar. If it goes out, you can relight it; but it never tastes the same."

Never underestimate the public's hunger to complain about a lack of diversity in a television show.

I don't mind the Redbox per se but what really chaps my ass is that people let their insane children use the kiosk as some kind of poor man's video game. Must you and your demon spawn look at each title like you've discovered a piece of the true cross?

There's power and there's power.

lol, seriously, I have to resort to being pretentious and watch the coverage in other countries just so I can hear people say things in normal voices and not listen to braying and mock-outrage. Not to say the press doesn't lie as brazenly abroad than they do in the US (the BBC is particularly egregious) but no one

No. Because assholes will feel compelled to reduce it to 3/4.

That's certainly one way of phrasing it.

I have no interest in discussing the election so any comments I am about to make are strictly with the article's information.

You have ginger beer and copper mugs?

If you have hobo vodka, I highly suggest doing a Machine. Take a double shot glass and first fill it halfway with vodka. Then take a handkerchief — I realize if you are drinking hobo vodka this may not be available — and place it atop the glass and tamp it in just enough to moisten it so it lies on the meniscus.

Oh, I hated the song also. Years later, I found out that Bob Dylan wrote it, which may explain my dislike.

**blushes, looks at floor**