
My grandma called it a "hoogieboo".

Admittedly though, they don't have a week to write a review and go over it and reconsider their thoughts. They have a few hours at best. Some of these reviews go 2,000 words. Not all of them are home runs. And some are new writers.

One thing is for sure, you don't have to be drunk to want to hook up with Jane Fonda. She looks smashing.

Hey, it took us nine of Seinfeld and the creators still had to tell us at the very end.

Oh wow, that's a nice bit of trivia.

I never thought of the Faithless Flector. That's brilliant.

Oh… my… God… that was so fantastic. And his cheeks were so florid.

I know the review can't mention every funny thing in this episode but when Selina flips the hell out in the kitchen and demands the recount be stopped, that was one for the ages. And the little oomph from Gary when she hit him was priceless.

You should try some of his essays like about his trip to Israel or On the Decay of Lying. He was a very good writer.

"But my most hated masterpiece? Gone With the Fucking Wind. If it's possible for a film to damage society, and I assert that it is, the damage done by GWTW is massive and apparently incurable.

His nihilism has been killing me of late. Match Point was good but you want to slit your wrists at the end.

There is no "right way" to read a book. I am quite capable of giving a reasoned and detailed analysis of what I read. The "wrong way" to read a book is to dismiss it wholesale, as you do Gone with the Wind because you perceive it to have a romanticized view of slavery which does not conform to your enlightened 21st

You go on racism harangues over Gone with the Wind and yet you are OK with Twain?

Sam Mendes said it was overpraised and agrees with most criticisms.

I don't agree with any of what you said, but I love the way you said it.

I never read the comic book so I came in with on preconceptions about it, but I really liked the first three seasons.

I'd have my mom upvote also but it would take me too long to show her how.

Maxwell Caufield was really hot. It was enough for me to watch it once.

That mustache is definitely early period Rivera.

I love the book and the film and I have no intention of defending them. But I do want to say that the story's protagonist is Southern and therefore the story would be informed by that point of view.