
I identify as androphilic.

I think people simply are not threatened by lesbianism, especially the lipstick lesbians.

So very true. They only care about green.

As a gay man, I can tell you simply that I generally do not watch gay US films because they mostly suck. The Birdcage ought never have been made. It was so pleased with itself. And all the Friends of Dorothy were sure to show up for cameos. Nice of Whitey to make a film so people could feel good about themselves for

I agree, when one is newly out there is that, "Well, I am not like them," going on. The opposite happened with me. When I was closeted, I was bustin'-at-the-seams gay. When I was outed (at 23), that more or less went away. It was like a weight was off of me. Before I knew "everyone thought it" so I gave them a show,

You wrote, "There's no right way to be gay." Compare how apostate Milo Yianniopoulos is considered, even being banned from giving a speech in San Francisco vs. someone who ticks off all the correct boxes like Tyler Oakley. I believe in the social realm you are expected to tow the party line and woe befalls those who

I think that y'all are being a little too harsh on all this. I don't think this show is supposed to teach us anything but kick back, have a nice time with some very likable people. And don't give me, "The medium can take standard tropes and elevate them." What if it was never meant to? What if we are just supposed to

And everyone in Hollywood is gay or has to perform gay acts during their nascent career. It is an Illuminati rule. Black actors have to wear a dress also.

I hear a lot of what you are saying. I swear if we had a family crest, my mother would insist the motto be, "Never in front of the neighbors."

First of all, the film Mommie Dearest is hilarious.

I can assure you that in 1983, viewers of HBO though this was amazing. HBO was pretty amazing. And we all watched this documentary because there were only 20 cable channels or so, not counting your local stations. So a behind-the-scenes look would leave you rapt.

Why in the name of all that's holy has Dolly Parton not been given a role on this show? I understand that she cannot be a regular, but one significant role just to get the ol' gang back together? Please?

Oh Good Lord, that was a really nice pull.

Never say that Oprah has limitations.

I haven't read the threads so if someone else mentioned this I apologize, but wasn't SpaceCamp the film that got sank by the Challenger explosion?

I don't really remember the movie, lol. Was he technically in a war zone? Did he go to Europe? I recall there were Nazis. Most of the time I was wondering how he could combat the inertial forces of a bullet or one of those lasers.

Well, assuming he was given this back pay in 2011, and assuming he lives in Virginia (I am guessing there), he would owe $180,907 in VA taxes alone. The IRS would take 10% off the top, or $315,462 and then assess the balance at 39.6%, so an additional $1,124,306.21 would be taken.

KFC does not use celery seed but a small amount of minced onion, which also goes a long way.

I binged it also and rather enjoyed it. More in the harmless-fun-sense. As someone who enjoys the Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name, I also watched to see the fan-taaaaas-tic plastic surgery Jane Fonda had.

I hated this back in 1996.