
I just read Under the Dome and loved it. I never read much Stephen King as it was not a genre I preferred. 11/22/63 was the first King novel I sought out because the snobby British reviewers were all over that shit and I was like, "If a man who shatter walnuts using only his ass cheeks like a Stephen King novel, then t

As I posted earlier, I am not pissed about Hulu+ per se. I have Hulu+ and love it as I choose not to have cable service.

As much as this is MST3K for homosexuals, can't E! just take the three dollar loss and put on a True Hollywood Story about Paul Lynde instead?

"Flappy" would have been nice. It could have been a serious treatise on coulrophobia.

Would it have killed you to use iambic pentameter for your lament?

Fassbinder's career was amazing considering that he died so young but was so prolific. Berlin Alexanderplatz is where it's at.

Sorry, I am too busy having to resign from my job because of this post.

Why do we give a shit about the Bechdel Test? Why? Why do I have to see it mentioned all the freakin' time? You can't swing a dead cat on Slate without hitting it.

There is a ubiquity to Stewart from which one can make a determination without having seen the show. However, my saying that one cannot compare them, I believe, is apt. Kilborn never meant to be an editorial mouthpiece for a nation too lazy to form their own opinions and against an industry who no longer acts as a

Wouldn't you love a special Match Game version of Top Chef? Couldn't you picture Charles Nelson Reilly camping while making a zesty gumbo? Richard Dawson smashed? Joyce Bulifant wondering what a carombola is? Betty White doing dirty things with a whisk? Oh, man, that would be a hoot. Brett Sommers just sayin' shit.

I tried watching Buffy contre les vampires and I just stopped giving a damn halfway through the first season. It's just not my bag. Actually, I can't think of a thing I liked by Joss Whedon. I didn't like Firefly at all. I didn't like The Avengers.

Whomp whomp.

We agreed on that last week. Though, like I said, if they were Machiavellian enough, they would have picked Carlos as they all felt he was an easy mark. I'd argue Carlos would have been tough to beat with the Canoe Cupboard.

Padma: Our guest judge, January Jones, will announce the challenge!

I was on a DNC junket.

Could you imagine if the chefs plotted to screw up Nina and Nick's meals? Though I'd predict that Nina would just tell everyone, "Get the fuck out!" and somehow knock out the most perfect dinner ever and Nick would be in a corner sobbing whilst clutching a photograph of his daughter to his chest.

Pacific Island nations or territories which had U.S. bases during World War II have a real affinity for Spam.

Could you imagine being in a room with Padma and disagreeing? Suddenly, she claws at her chin and pulls off her skin revealing the skull of a baphonet, "What? Do you mean to tell me…"

I'll say this, I have major crushes on Stephen Amell and Jensen Ackles. Don't forget, I am old and CW is WB to me and I never watched anything on there but 7th Heaven. (Before you scoff, that show was awesome. You'd smoke a bong and just laugh and laugh and laugh.)

I enjoy this show. I watch this show. I believe in the product. I feed it to my kids (if I had any).