
Padma, pack up your brushes and go.

I am guessing Bravo has the "real" cast and crew fly charter, and there is probably medical on set.

That's hilarious. I do have to say, once I figured out how to regulate the temperature, it worked quite well. I did a couple of thick swordfish steaks and they were wonderful.

I think it goes without saying that all the chefs deserve to be in competition and put out great food in real life. The problem with Top Chef is that it is an entertainment competition and that creates a certain amount of cognitive dissonance.

And he read the King James Brown Bible.

It looks like there is a thought bubble over Emeril's head, "These broads. Yap, yap, yap."

One day over drinks, I will tell you my tale of White Trash Sous Vide where I put fish in a Foodsaver bag and had a pan of water on the stove with a candy thermometer and I was tossing in ice cubes at intervals and removing the pan and putting it back over heat to keep the temperature consistent.

I would argue that picking a team is incredibly important. Michael and Jason aren't consistent and have poor listening skills. Patty and Ramon and Bene are inexperienced and don't know what they don't know. Justin and Sara are live wires and may go rogue. I don't even remember Bret or Aaron. Given my choice: I'd want

If they did a quiet PBS-type show and not "The Nutty Chef with Stephanie Cmar", I think her personality would shine. An occasional guest chef would be cool.

I was thinking the same thing. Just give Stephanie a little love.

I think Tom's being smitten was a combination of what seems to be incredible subtlety in cooking and a fierce determination. The fact that she was pretty and composed certainly helped. Package deal. But something tells me he was in awe of her skills.

I coulda sworn that Carlos had won LCK. I know he didn't because in my heart of hearts I'd like to think everyone hated Carlos because of his hotness and knew it was his food. (Something to wonder: Carlos might have had an easy time in this Canoe Cupboard thing. He is familiar with Acapulco food.)

If memory serves, in 1976, there was such an outcry that the Theme from Mahogany didn't get nominated that they went and voted again and the song made the ballot! The song lost to Keith Carradine's oh-so-awesome I'm Easy.

The Canadian government has apologized for Bryan Adams on many occasions.

You can really tell what part of the 1970s someone born in that decade grew up in by whether or not they like Mac Davis. There was a time in this once-sane nation's history when Mac Davis was the shit.

I loved Kilborn (Craiggers). That show was hilarious (the crew laughing made it so). I don't think Stewart made it a better show. He made it a different show. To compare the two is apples and oranges.

Try getting a DUI on a visa in Canada or having had a DUI and trying to enter Canada. We could learn a lot from how they manage their border.

There is so much gold in them thar hills. Lee Marvin, Claude Akins, Cassavetes. No one in the movie is really worth a damn. The direction is taut. Everyone is really good, even Dickinson and Reagan. No one is worth a damn. I love movies like this.

Want to order Thai food?

Bette Davis's comments on Reagan in her memoir This 'n' That are funny. She has a tough time with his wearing contacts. (He was blind as a bat.) She complained it made him bug-eyed all the time. If you look at him in photos from the time, it does seem to be true.