
The Killers is pretty damned good. I only wanted to see it because Reagan slaps Angie Dickinson. (He said he hated that movie because of it.) Reagan is evil in the movie and convincingly so (though probably not enough for Nathan Rabin).

HBO Go is showing the next episode. I don't know if it was bad I watched it because now I have to wait two weeks for a new show.

(It was a joke.)

IMO, a lot of gay media is more worried about edifying the viewer or teaching a Valuable Lesson than providing good writing, good stories, etc. The U.S. version of Queer as Folk was most egregious in that regard. The characters pretty much just stood around telling the viewer what to think in between shots of fucking

Protestants are usually uncut. Circumcision was the provenance of the Papist in the U.S.

The phrase certainly implies tumescence, even priapism.

There is only one Garbage Plate.

Great. As if using proxy servers is not enough of a pain in the ass. (I am that gay, I need to see Downton when it actually airs.)

Oof. I do hope you get a Garbage Plate at Nick Tahou's once in a while though. Of course, the good one on Chili is gone (along with the amazing deals on crack in the parking lot).

They've been saying that for a while. Britain is having a difficult time figuring out how British they really are presently. I think it will continue to be a rumor.

Wait… upstate as in Putnam or Orange County? Or upstate as in Thompkins or Onondaga?

The UK is different than the US in the sense that in the UK you can show all the sex you want. Violence, however is very, very regulated (for lack of a better term). The US is opposite. We permit gore and violence, but not sex.

In my case, it is just experience. It was six years of being sexually active and very "in the moment" (shall we say) and I never hit an uncut. Frankly, I prefer circumcised. Though it is more or less unique to the U.S. (and Japan).

It is nice to watch a gay show which doesn't shout, "Eat your peas!" I loved Weekend for the same reason.

I'm with you. It is 21 minutes of disposable television that I watch, have a chuckle, and forget about.

That is a damned good point. I didn't even think of that.

This show has two things I enjoy: cute guys and humor. I am also getting an intentional Clooney-vibe from Stults (whom I adored along with his hot-ass brother on 7th Heaven). Perhaps it is his line-readings and hair.

You can imagine the steam coming out of my ears over this nonsense:

I just Googled it. It appears that 17th century French cuisine started using it and it became the standard. It's popularity stemmed from its ability to disguise semi-rotten meat.

On the Bravo blog page, Gail said that Shirley's dish was great but they penalized her for not being able to have a bite which stayed together as that was part of the challenge of making one bite.