
Or when singing "My Old Kentucky Home".

Then Andy Serkis can play Petit and everyone can bitch and moan that he is "performing" and an Oscar® nod is appropriate.

It's the old maxim: Always leave 'em wantin' more.

But he quit the restaurant the day they were awarded it.

I have the scene on pause at 11:09 and I think I have puzzled it out. The fronds do keep his face obscured very well. But I'd lay money down I got it right by how his hands look and the fact that he never rolls his sleeves up above the elbow and that he always stands with hands-on-hips.

He is the only contestant this season with a Michelin star.

I am guessing no one has hired Nick, so while his child rests from being smothered, he reads the comments and gives the thumbs down.

I am assuming to fit the camera operator.

A friend of mine has never watched the Top Chef and asked what it is like. I responded, "It is assholes making asshole food for assholes who make asshole comments."

Carlos knew the fix was in when he heard that bit of news.

Joe Franklin raped me.

Your points are spot-on. I know if I were filmed, I'd come off like an asshole. Hell, my comments alone indicate that.

I find the greatest contrivance to be when they enter a Toyota. The participants are forced to comment upon the vehicle and essentially become shills for the house. I realize someone has to pay for the production costs. Carlos made a bagel and a box of Philadelphia cream cheese was placed upon a container of spread

I find the concept of amuse bouche so twee. Because I adore Gail so much, I was disappointed with her challenge. Much like Nicholas's food, it seemed over-thunk. (I am saying "thunk" is the pluperfect subjunctive. Go with it. As an noun, "thunk" is onomatopoetic.)

It's Merv Griffin.

Technically she "freed the lotus from the breach".

I don't think the judges complain. They rate the dish and that is it. (Except Nicholas's, who can evidently not season food at all and yet progress. They'd probably give him a pass for a sawdust biscuit.)

I disagree. Nick said the challenge was about cooking fish. The mahi-mahi was cooked perfectly (Carlos's) while the tuna was not (Louis's) and implied for that alone Carlos's dish should win.

You've never tasted the blissful Doritos Locos Foie Gras Mousse Taco?

Just Whitey.