
Fukishima residents.

As least she doesn't use that White Nonsense term "umami". Boy, that chaps my ass. There is nothing Whitey loves more than a word with vague meaning to confuse normal people. Add the cachet of using a word from the vaunted Orient, and Whitey just can't resist.

You are also forgetting that Whitey has made salt needlessly complex. There is sea salt and Kosher salt and table salt. There is truffle salt and Fleur de sel and sel gris and Japanese salt. There's smoked salt and block salt and rock salt.

God, do I want to call Bullshit! this episode.

Check it out:

Naw, Betas is cute. Annoying twentysomethings with charming tics living in a rarefied world. And Ed Begley, Jr., too.

The orangutan is in Cannonball Run II of which I do not approve.

Reagan stole, "Go ahead, make my day!" from Sudden Impact.

I was thinking more Murder by Death, which has an all-star cast and isn't funny at all.

I love, love, love The Cannonball Run to the point where I am suspicious of people who disparage it. I think what is great about it, besides Sammy and Dino playing Catholic priests, is that everyone in the film got their biggest paycheck ever and just laughed and laughed while making it. And that happiness translated

If you have HBOGo, it is on Six by Sondheim. Young was prim, and if people cussed on set, they had to pay 25 cents into a curse jar. Merman cursed repeatedly, finally handed Young a $10 bill and told her what to do with herself.

I don't think I laughed so hard as I did watching Rat Race as I have in a long, long time. (Yes, I was high.) The "prairie dogging" killed me.

There is a famous story about Merman. She is at a Broadway opening and the leading lady isn't really up to the part. Now, in the big show-stopper, the lead's voice just didn't have it. Merman says, "Oh, brrrruuuuthaaa!" but her voice carries so much, the entire audience heard it. People turned around and clapped.

btw, am I the only one watching The Goldbergs? The show is pretty conventional, but it is often sweet and sometimes cringe-inducing hilarious. Also, the little kid has some chops.

OK, call me a hypocritical prude, but Bert talking about licking hole is hilarious and totally something you shouldn't have an eight year old say on television. Good Lord.

Ethel Merman made this movie for me. I laughed in every scene she was in despite not really finding the movie itself funny. Though I always laugh when Durante kicks the bucket. How can you not laugh when Jimmy Durante is around?

Am I the only one throwing their hands into the air, rolling their eyes, and exhaling while saying, "Is this really necessary?"

I once got written up by HR for saying to a client, "You sound like an eight year old who learned a new word."

Well, I am trained in classical French. But I cook other cuisines from memory. The code for me is flavor combinations. However, my technique is always French.

Besides wasabi Kit-Kat bars and teen panties in vending machines, Japan has Cucumber Pepsi and that shit is delicious. Not like a Pimms garnished with cucumber, but still.