
I think Enfisted would be better.

Oh, Ilan. I was so mad when he won over Marcel. That totally explained how a lack of talent but a penchant for political correctness will always trump in this country. On the other hand, Marcel made a salad. But Ilan dumped his mangoes.

That is a hoot because I just watched this on the Hulu and thought it would be wonderful if the Brothers Hill made out thus giving us all a very special episode of Enlisted.

Cucumber Pepsi fan here. That stuff rocks.

With Nina's combination of sublime expertise and her calm, articulate nature, it is no surprise at all that she is the Barron's Food Lover's Companion of the show.

I agree with your basic point but I'd argue that Breaking Bad is a drama which happens to take place in the world of meth. The details in this case were for verisimilitude but were not the story itself.

Oh, that movie rocks. I think you and I are the only two people who loved that movie. When the Blu-Ray came out, I was jumping up and down and making all my friends come over to see this great movie that I loved. I made a nice little spread for us, we all got a little lit.

I love this movie for the same reason I love The Day of the Jackal: I loved being taken on the journey of what is necessary to accomplish these crimes. I so enjoy the step-by-step planning, the devising of equipment, the pensive nature required to accomplish the goal.

A friend of mine plunked down some loot to go to a two-day film school course by some guy named Dov Somethingorother.

I don't think it is wrong to hate kids at all.

I've been watching old Iron Chef episodes on the YouTube. I miss being baked watching that show. Then as they described each chef's offerings, an elegiac, mournful cello played as a martial snare rolled. It always welled my eyes and burned my throat a little.

I must say, that looked like a really good sandwich.

I think Anthony Bourdain was a coked-up line cook who wrote a good book and rode that train into the station. Then again, I am envious of his ability to take that book and make a brand. I often have to ask myself if I really think he is a no-talent hack or if I am having issues with my station in life.

It was a feta-walnut pesto.

There was that hint of schadenfreude, too. You know when you see kids and one just runs roughshod over the other for years? And then, one day, the weaker one just gets sick and tired and belts the other and you get that Dick Cheney smirk. Awesome.

Maybe they'll send me a coupon.

More important is the fact that I incorporated the name of the sponsor into my comment.

IMHO, Brian's dish was something any decent home chef could accomplish. It required little technique and I am guessing that overall the flavors tasted like the sauce in a Healthy Choice Café Steamer.

Yes! It makes the game about skill and not about having windfalls when you hit Free Parking.

Bowl me over with a feather Oprah did not get a nomination. She has made it clear she wants one in competition. She made an Important Film about an Important Subject. She carries water for Obama. She trumped up a race hoax over a $40,000 purse. She checked off every box. And she's Oprah. She'll cut you.