
I am not sure you have worked in a kitchen. Given the amount of drinking and drug use, most people are sleep deprived one way or another.

I've always been a leg man anyhow.

I am glad you mentioned that Nick was the only one not rehired.

Gail either just had a child or is expecting (I recall in the Bravo blogs her mentioning not being able to eat something for that reason).

You know how every presidential election, we hear that White Nonsense about, "Who would you rather have a beer with?"

Let's just say it again: who does Eden Sher have to bone to get an Emmy nod? Between running the gamut of emotions when the Glossner boy kissed her and her line readings tonight, I will once again rail against the unfairness in this world when Julie Bowen picks up a third statue for being able to whisper snarky

If they cannot cope with Rebecca Pidgeon, imagine their shock and disgust when they see Lindsay Crouse in House of Games.

What in the name of all that's holy do we have to do to get Nicholas kicked off? First of all, fuck you, Nicholas. Second, you're an asshole (not exactly unusual in a chef). Of course, he reminded us he sacrificed to be there. Let us remind everyone in the audience he has a daughter. He prattles on like Brooke Smith

You are making me want to read The Fountainhead for a little Roark-Francon action.

But bones are instrumental in making a rich stock or a demi-glace when roasted.

This movie is the balls for so many reasons, but nothing beats the ending.

You old horny slut!

Am I the only one who misses the Wee Baby Seamus?

Being foreign, I believe they stick to the classical meaning of comedy in the sense that the film is not a tragedy. I have only seen American Hustle, so I am not sure how the other films fit in.

Contact the lawyer for John Titor.

I watch them on Hulu also. I will say this, last week's will be like a javelin in the gut.

No, not at all. Each book is a continuation of the narrative. Just read The Hunt for Red October. If you like that, then go on. He is not a literary stylist like John LeCarré. To use the fashionable term, his novels are more granular.

I read the books when they came out. I was in high school when The Hunt for Red October debuted. (The press wasn't so much a whore to the movie-industrial complex back then. The real story was some 40 year old insurance salesman wrote a book on naval warfare so realistic that the NSA questioned him.) And it is a great

Yeah, meow and meow. I meant that both Kristin and Stephanie were eliminated based upon someone else's poor performance.

I was wondering the same thing also. And the blog on bravotv.com is always mentioning his hair. And the weekly interview with Stephanie mentions his hair.