
"Ray! Ray! You're with me, Ray!"

I was so baked the first time I watched Fail-Safe there finally came a point where I paused the movie, stood up, turned to my friend, and said, "I just can't take this anymore. It is so tense."

I disagree. Fonda was perfectly case because Fonda WAS America to so many people. There is no way people are going to buy that Fonda was a Fellow Traveler. Sure, he had a dalliance with Communism in college, but since it is Fonda, the viewer can relax. That character was based upon Alger Hiss so you pretty much knew

Don't forget that Drury was a Washington reporter who knew where all the bodies were buried. The president was FDR, who was a devious bastard. Van Ackerman was supposed to be either Nixon or McCarthy (I'd argue Nixon).

Oh my Christ, Full Service, did you read that shit? Seriously, America, you don't want to know. It ruined Walter Pidgeon for me.

I enjoyed The Contender but the only problem I have with it is that it beats you over the head with its politics. Rod Lurie just can't resist piling it on. Ooooh, bad Republican, so evil he disgusts his wife. I love Jeff Bridges in it and how he forces food on everyone because of the glee he gets from trying to stump

THANK YOU!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I could do a lot of deconstructing, but really, who cares?

I will say that Funkstar Deluxe's remix of "Sun Is Shining" is still a favorite of mine. (I don't know if it is on the album, but still.)

He does not have nice hands.

Here's the thing: there is this Caroline and she is someone who says, "As a long-time
musical theatre fan, however…"

I am with you. I love Totino's and I love Tony's. I do not like DiGiorno or Freschetta. I love Stouffer's.

I watched this show, and this episode, as a kid. I remember we all howled during it. The characters were well-drawn. And everyone got a kick out of the fact that Jennifer Marlowe was the most intelligent character despite being blonde with ample décolletage.

I must respectfully disagree, meow, meow meow. The Middle is probably the best written and acted thirty-minute sitcom on network television. Why the show gets no Emmy recognition is mystifying to me. I believe the sole reason Modern Family exists is so Whitey can nod and pat themselves on the back once per week, well

That edit appeared after I wrote my little screed.

I am glad you are finally reviewing this. I have been watching it since it debuted. (Mostly because I like Jeff Garlin and it is on after SHIELD.)

Yeah, pretty much. But you go where your company puts you.

I really enjoyed it even though the third episode was devoted to putting a caveman onto a stretcher. I bet I end up enjoying the old episodes more than the new ones. I am a bit anachronistic that way.

Yes, they did adapt "Nightfall". It is really a good radio show and easily accessible online or download the OTR app on your smartphone. X Minus One has some really good stories which are well-dramatized. There are a few fan sites, check out a list of best episodes and listen to a couple. They are like 25 minutes

This is where you can see the British are more mature writers than Americans. If this were an American production, words would have been exchanged between Hartnell and Smith.