
I am far too anal-retentive for that. I watched An Unearthly Child last night and did enjoy it. Yes, it was a little slow going (more toward the end than the beginning), but I dug it. Especially after watching the movie last night.

I never watched Doctor Who. I remember Tom Baker as a child and that there was a show. But in the US, I think it was hard to catch on.

Oh, good. I am not going insane.

Eh, six of one, half a dozen of the other.

Stephanie should have gotten the boot. I like her, but she is too cerebral as a cook. I think Louis got screwed. They even said his pork was spectacular. Or Justin. He's a prick, boot him. (Then again, I have to remind myself that this is a show and how they are edited may not be who they really are.)

It's on Bravo. The entire network is devoted to sucking dick.

How old is Brick that he could remember a promise made ten years ago? Isn't he supposed to be 12? He's in sixth grade.

Hey Zack, I don't want to sound like a kiss-ass, but I am stuck home on a Saturday night with a stomach bug and I read this review and watched the show simply because I enjoy science and you said it was good.

Only in England.

Lawrence of Arabia, despite its length, is gripping with excellent characterization. Ben-Hur is exciting with eye-popping production values (I didn't see Ben-Hur until last year when I got it on Blu-Ray so it wouldn't have been appreciated c. 1986).

I was very fortunate in that when one hears "all-boys Christian Brothers school", sodomy and beatings come to mind. But, in reality, we were quite free to do what we pleased. If you interrupted class with a joke, if it was good, you weren't punished. If it was bad, you got a detention. Sure, there were a couple

Actually, what you need to do is to go back to 1914 and keep Wilson from getting the US into the war. Had we not intervened in a war which was none of our business and had Wilson not lied about the Lusitania,The Great War would have ended in stalemate. It had already killed a generation of men and the Spanish Flu was

I enjoyed Lunopolis also. I think the biggest problem with it is that it got hamstrung by a low budget. But it held me in there.

Our history teacher during our junior year showed us about half of Gandhi, but we literally fell asleep during it, so he just gave up. He was a cool teacher and found it amusing.

When I saw Frost/ Nixon, a couple of women started clapping during a supposed take-down of Nixon and I finally got tired of them and yelled, "Stop it! Stop it! You don't even know why you are clapping!"

I loved Primer. I had heard about it for a while but I first saw it in 2011 on an upload site. Naturally, I developed a crush on Shane Carruth, as should you all.

That was the thing. We weren't doing anything. I think once I forgot to stock all the candy and at opening, and it wasn't even his shift, he was there to tell that I didn't finish closing duties.

I used to get yelled at because people would rent shitty movies. I'd say things like, "You don't want to see X, but if you want to see a good movie like that, see Y." And I'd be told that I had to love all the movies.

I have been a waiter and it indeed sucks. But you do whatcha gotta do.

Not to be too much of a hoo-hoo, but saying things like, "…perhaps owing to the fact that they worked at Blockbuster," is horrible. What you do is not who you are. There is nothing wrong with working anywhere.