
It was in his eyes. Bert usually has kind eyes.

This was an awesome season, but the most difficult thing for me is that I had grown to loathe Don Draper. What a masterful manipulation that was.

No one would directly address the president as POTUS, but the acronym is routinely used on advance schedules and for pool reporting.

I'd edit, but I believe in public shaming, like during Rob Reiner's part in World War Z.

Oh no, August… well, another disappointment.

B+? Wrong. We need Bob Barker to say, "Higher!" after that guess.

I will not spoil the Mad Men, Les hommes foux if you prefer, but I do want to say that my hope of seeing Stan, Pete, Bob Benson, and Ginsberg get it on while Roger sang "My Old Kentucky Home" in blackface was not to be.

So what they are professing is a love of UPS?

Dad requested "Spirit in the Sky", by Norman Greenbaum be played when everyone paid their final respects. I told no one and the mixture of shock followed by laughter is something I'll always enjoy.

I hope Food Network shows A Paula Deen Seder.

I am a young man of limited means. I buy used Turnbull & Asser suits and things like that, but I purchase them oversized and have them tailored for me. So my suits are classic but high-quality. And they end up costing what a "good" cheap suit costs. I'll have them for my entire life because of the quality.

Here is a classic case where one should leave well-enough alone. Sometimes a book is a book and a play is a play and a movie is a movie and never the… what is twain but for three… shall meet.

I've been drinking, so let me just get My Shame out of the way.

Pete is one of my favorite characters on the show. My heart used to break for him, that is until the Joan Incident. His father more or less disowned him. Then he receives no inheritance. He succeeds at work but gets little credit. He has expectations, good ones, which are often dashed. I remember him beginning to cry

Here you go:

Deleted post - I found the one I wanted to reply to and put it there.

They can do a show on Univision. Ricky Martin can be his first guest.

I was thinking that Glen got handsome all of a sudden. Then again, you don't see too many teenaged boys presented as having it down. Whatever he did this episode, it worked.

Aww, kids, give him a break. You try knocking out a coherent piece five hours after the show aired. Granted, I found the allusions in his review a mite facile, but it is easy to fold your arms and snipe.

I have been saying for a while that Don is going to commit suicide.