
One of the amazing things about this show is that you should hate Jonah, I mean really hate him. Yet, you feel for him just a little bit. He's like Michael Myers. You shoot him and he just keeps moving forward. Amazing portrayal. Off-putting and somehow approachable.

Mad Men: White people, good times.

Bob Benson is not Emily Kimberly, the daughter of Duane and Alma Kimberly. No, he's not. He's Edward Kimberly, the recluse brother of his sister Anthea.

I was kinda hopin' for Donovan.

"I give great talking head."

I was hoping for Norman Lear.

The part which hit home for me was when Daniel arrived with the old drunk dude. I lived on the cusp of suburbia and small town and private school so I swirled in a bunch of different circles. And I have more than once seen someone who was way too old for a high school party kicking around. Some were in their twenties,

I just like Feelyat! That to me is hilarious.

I have been saying the show will end with Don Draper's suicide for about half this season.

This may be apocryphal, but I heard that Bryan Batt said Weiner's son was a shitty actor and this led to his firing.

God, do I have a crush on Reid Scott. But his veneers are huge.

I saw that movie years ago on Cinemax and just loved it.

English is definitely the most accepting of foreign words into its language. I think this has more to do with Great Britain being an empire than anything else. Perhaps the Norman conquest helped, which made English this odd hybrid of the Vulgate Latin and the Saxon.

My friend and I got totally baked before Spellbound and we were barely able to cope with the tension during the film. I remember as the bee went on, we were sitting on the tiniest sliver of the sofa, leaning as if to get closer to the screen. So hilarious.

I won my local spelling bee in consecutive years, but didn't win the county event so I never got to Washington.

Perhaps I have been napping at the wheel but when did Ignatiy Vishnevetsky start writing for A.V. Club? I have a huge crush on him. Actually, the only Russian upon whom I have a bigger one is Prince Rostislav Romanov.

Gila Monster is one of my favorite MST3Ks. Oh, Good Lord, that one makes me laugh like crazy.

Paré's best laugh moment comes in the taxi after she and Don had dinner with the couple who tried to rope them into a foursome. Don asks how long they have been married and she says, "Eighteen years."

Do the shake, do the shake, the milk shake, the milk shake, do the shake!

I say it every time it happens, but Jessica Paré has a marvelous ability to convincingly laugh. I don't know if she is at the Allison Janney Level, but she is damned good at it.