
This has little to do with anything, but I always get a kick out of the Harold Stassen runs.

Rent is the past tense of the verb rend, which means to tear. It is a custom in Judaism to rend a garment as part of the custom of mourning.

Counterfactual history is a blast, especially if you are passing a joint around.

The delegate count was rather close and RFK only won California by about three points, so it definitely wasn't in the bag for him. Old Joe was incapacitated by a stroke, so his pull with Daley was no longer a factor. Favorite sons also gobbled up a few states, at least on the first ballot. Given the animosity between

I read Slate regularly and June Thomas is not someone who stands out. And their Mad Men reviews are done in a creepy 360° epistolary fashion (Thomas is not one of the writers for that.)

It is official: I fucking hate Don Draper. His treatment Sylvia, which reminded me of that awful Kate Mara putting on Claire's dress on House of Cards, was just plain shitty. Shitty as in shitty writing and Don should have known it was shitty writing. A silly Bohemian with a future heroin problem is going to fall for

I am with you. I realize that working with Harmon probably wasn't a picnic, but there was something missing when the show returned.

Oh, shoot, I forgot. So I am six and Dad says, "We're going to see James Bond." I had no clue what that meant, but I knew it was a movie, The Spy Who Loved Me.  And we lived in the sticks, so we had to go to this little cinema owned by this nice old man. He and Dad would shoot the breeze while we waited for the next

That movie rocks. My mom and I went to see it when I was home from college. We went to Red Lobster for dinner and then went to the cinema.

I'm with ya. I liked the movie. I mean, check your brain at the door and enjoy the ride (the finale kind of made you wonder why he didn't think of that earlier). I assume you are talking about the Air Force One scene.

I saw it for the first time last year and you are right, it was really, really good. 
Walter Pidgeon never broke out of the pack, but he was a good actor. My favorite role of his is in that juicy Washington sudser Advise and Consent.

I like all the jokes and it is fun to hear Spock say odd things, but the best is a line he does in the middle of their escape from Earth and Kirk shouts an order and in the background, it is not obvious, Spock replies, "One damn minute, Admiral."

I was in high school when the restoration was released in 1989 and I saw it in this great movie palace in Syracuse, NY. They have a three-story screen. And it was the best.

The Birds played in a DC cinema last year and I went to see it. It still holds up pretty well. What makes it so great is that the movie is eerie. They walk by all those birds sitting on the jungle gym. And it is creepy. Hitchcock just wound you up the whole movie. The best part is that no one knew why. 
The effects

I saw Superman with my mom and dad when I was seven. And I remember Dad said he liked it because when Superman saved someone, he smiled.

The last apartment building I lived in was this great old Victorian mansion broken up into studio apartments. It had this awesomely huge patio surrounded by a 10' high wooden fence. I went on eBay and bought a video projector and set it up with speakers and a subwoofer. Then I bought a huge tablecloth and draped it

I did that too! I thought I was the only one. Then I decided it would be more fun to do my own plays. I'd write up a script and have my friends come over. One would be in charge of the record player and everyone had things to make various sounds. I didn't realize it at the time, but I started making radio shows. I

I dislocated my hip when I was 11 and the summer of 1982 was spent indoors :(

I was about 12 when Ghostbusters came out but I remember when the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man showed up, I thought that was the funniest thing I ever saw. I was doubling over laughing.

Yeah, I was six when Star Wars came out and I saw it, but I don't remember it. I do remember seeing it during the release in 1981.