
Are you like me and had Cinemax in the early 1980s? Because HBO was great for popcorn fare, but Cinemax gave me Allen, Godard, Kurosawa, Chaplin, Bunuel and a lot of French films and a lot of old black and white films. I lived in the northeast, so I didn't have a cinephile network like Z Channel.

OK, ha ha, mine is awful, but it has to be Victor/ Victoria.

I saw this a few hours ago and it wasn't bad. It could have been worse. It was better than The Avengers where I just sat there going, "Why am I watching this? Why did they make this? Black Widow had nice breasts."

I used to call it White People, Good Times.

Oh, thank you! Thank you! I thought I was the only person who loved John O'Hara. No one pushes him anymore. Good Lord, he was a fantastic writer.

I am with you. I love The Great Gatsby but hate, hate, hate The Catcher in the Rye. I hated it in high school. Oh and Melville, who farted. But I do love "Bartleby, The Scrivener".

Great camera shot as Axl backs away from Cassidy when he is lead to the stage to get his crown. It is nice when a sitcom can have some clever camerawork.

The last paragraph reminded me of what a hoo-hoo I can be when it comes to this show. I just don't find it amusing anymore, save Julie Bowen's deadpans. God can she deadpan. But it is correct to say that crafting 21 minutes of show with three subplots and have them all work is a minor miracle. I think it just boils

"Joy to the World", by Three Dog Night was #1 when I was born.

The Bee Gees have always rocked. No shame there.

You are correct. This of his ode to E.T. as the hammer and this little gem as the nail in the coffin:

"He ain't no brother! He's a white boy!"

One of my favorite scenes in The Shootist is when Lauren Bacall mentions John Wayne is in good spirits. He hoists a bottle and says, "Laudanum!"

I am an American but international travel has provided me with affectations, mostly verbal.

I think they are in the West 80s.

When I notice an edit like that, I think to myself, "Who is this person who took this upon themselves?" Seriously. Not necessarily to make fun of them, though fun I shall make, but I am interested in the thought process of the person who leapt from their sofa and made a mad rush to the computer.

Aside from reviewers bringing up the Le Cirque gaffe, has it been acknowledged by the show's staff at all? Do they get involved in all this hoo-hoo we do with the show?

I'm sorry, but I'd love for Peggy to get with Ted even though he seems to have a nice wife. I really don't like Abe. Making her get that White Guilt apartment was an awfully passive-aggressive move.

He was discovered mid-flatus by Peggy, who told him it was Roger's office, prompting him to stop.

I love turtlenecks and because of my penchant for wearing them with blazers in the 1980s, I was called Rick Astley.