
I think Joan is more of the bird in the hand type. Chevy was not a sure thing and Don saying he'd get it only made it worse.

I am ashamed I did not think of that myself.

Oh, Jesus wept, this was a fine, fine episode.

I re-read The Great Gatsby about every two years. It makes one marvel about writing as some form of magic.

See, I am an Old Testament guy. God is bad-asssssss in those books.

I was forced to read The Catcher in the Rye in high school. I re-read it recently when I was going through some boxes and decided some procrastination is in order. I stand by my original assessment: the most overrated book of the Fifties and the most annoying protagonist ever. Worse was every English teacher's desire

I bet A Confederacy of Dunces gets pulled off the shelf every two years. Though Mom and I had to endure a twenty-four hour drive and I got us the audio version (which is entertaining as hell). I think I have given the audio version as a gift about five times.

I lost my first tooth in 1976 and I got $20. My father flipped the heck out.

It would have been hailed as an homage to Godard, indicative of the times the show represents.

You are not pro-Todd? Of the writers, I like his writing best qua writing. And among the people who comment here, you strike a nice balance between ball-breaking and respect. Perhaps I confused your bonhomie with implicit approval. Also, I only read about shows I watch.

No, it should be "You're the Best" from the movie The Karate Kid. Music by Bill Conti, lyrics by Allee Willis, performed by Joe Esposito.

I agree. I took his covering his head as a traditional sign of mourning.

The Oscars were postponed a day after Reagan was shot.

I sprained my ankle (I read too long on the toilet and my leg fell asleep - which is comedy gold) and was up all night because I couldn't deal well.

Well, there was a stickin' it to The Man aspect to the ad suggested by Joe Namaste that would appeal to Stan.

I looked it up because I wondered the same thing. It was released in February of that year. Don't forget that a popular movie could run for a couple years if it was a success back then. It had its premier in the large cities and then traveled to smaller cities. And it ran as long as they are filling seats. I think you

I think Joan nailed it. I don't consider Joan racist or intentionally sabotaging, just immature at this point in the series.

Could he even enlist? He is 34 as of 1968.

Ginsberg was born in a concentration camp and he has an adoptive father. I would think that would screw you up by default. His finding conspiracy in the world and his discomfort socially makes sense to me in the sketches they give us.

Sorry, I loved this episode as another historical event is blended into the show universe, they resisted the temptation of the Valuable Lesson. I liked how the stories were personal. I was especially thrilled to have a Ginsberg episode.