
I am piqued by the misuse of "peak".

I am with you. I saw this in the cinema and it is hilarious.

Ya know what? Give her a couple bucks and make her sign a clause saying they did nothing wrong. She's old, show respect. Mad Men makes mad loot and $100,000 isn't going to kill them. As a matter of fact, insurance will cover it. And be a mensch and pay the taxes on it for her.

Yeah, I figured as much. But I think the legend of syndication making a show popular à la The Odd Couple or Star Trek won't apply here. The market is too crowded.

You do realize your missive is riddled with redundancies.

I am a devoted viewer of this show, but they are on a freakin' roll right now. Thank God for Hulu so I can watch it twice because you also have to watch the ensemble in the background as they do hilarious shit. Keep your eyes on Brad this episode. The little things like the way he nods when Sue learns the Valuable

I am with you. Yahoo! just changed its home page a couple days ago and I was like an 80 year old hearing Rock music.

No, no, no, no, no.

Oh, you out-hoo-hooed me.

Actually, I am more pro-Shopgirl. The movie is sweet and romantic but also melancholic.

The only times the New York Film Critics Circle Award was given to someone who was not nominated for an Oscar were Ralph Richardson in 1952 for The Sound Barrier and David Thewlis in 1993 for Naked.

@avclub-2bab7d26a8e7d46e1eba729f2a60a4c4:disqus As a hoo-hoo and a ho-ho, I only knew Fadiman and F.A.P.

Had I said, "Seth MacFarlane is odious and repulsive," that would have been redundant.

You know what? It is irrational and I cannot articulate it. I look at him and my stomach tightens and I want to put my fist through a wall. Completely batshit insane.

As a gay man, this is my people's Super Bowl and I want to watch it. As a sane man who cannot stand Seth MacFarlane to the point that I cannot look at him, I am torn. Worse, I am a James Bond nut and there is going to be hoodie-hoo and hodie-ho.

It would be Oscar Levant for me.

Has anyone received the box? I have only been given a crisp $5 bill and a booklet.

I got into this song because the only time I listened to the radio was on the way to work. And if you are on the I-95 corridor, there is no ten minute commute. And it is winter and you leave at like 6am to get to work for 8am and it is dark and the song would come on and it was the perfect vibe for that groggy, dark,

Frankly, I'd rather Philip Glass.

No, and his point was spot-on. He wasn't punking on Don Ameche and I don't think he was necessarily bitter. He was just sayin'.