
He did an early interview on Mohr Stories. You'd have to pay the $9 to subscribe to hear it now, or you can go on the YouTube when the cat videos let you down.

Those are awesome. I realize this is more due to the offset printing, film stocks of the time, and fashion, but it totally looks like what we assumed the Soviet Union to be.

I thought I was the only person who read Messiah. I love Gore Vidal's writing and while this is "lesser" Vidal, it is still a very compelling read and one which I wonder why is not more popular. The story is prophetic in its predicting leaders like a Jim Jones or Maurice Applewhite.

This book is not published in the UK because of their crazy libel laws. Unlike the US, where to win a libel suit, you have to prove malice, in the UK the burden is on the defendant to prove what they said is true. So Scientology would sue the publisher out of existence.

I agree. It shows that our media exists for the sole purpose of selling their movie and TV shows. CNN is Time-Warner, NBC/ Universal is Comcast, CBS is Viacom, ABC is Disney, Fox is News Corp. And their "news" is not performed as a public service, as it once was, but is to make profit and sell movie tickets and DVDs

I loved The Riches and was very disappointed that FX didn't support it well. I cannot tell if the show got away from them or being told they were canceled, the writers were forced to wrap it up. (Sort of how rushed Arrested Development felt at the end.)

The political junkie in me wishes I could find Feed, a 1992 documentary showing the presidential candidates while they were waiting to appear on live television. The other one is Millhouse: A White Comedy, a 1971 "documentary" about Richard Nixon's journey from California to the White House. I saw it once on VHS and

Doesn't that sound like Acme? Ha ha.

I am loving this show and the addition of Margo Martindale (please tell me some else besides myself watched The Riches) makes me very happy.

I'm an only child, so I thought the Sue/ Darrin subplot was very plausible. I saw it a lot with friends with younger siblings. As an "outsider", I noticed these things a little more. A lot of times you are nicer to your friends' siblings than you are to your own.

Finally! An A!

Technically, the whitest record Whitey ever whipped out is The Wayward Wind, by Gogi Grant.

Let's Twist Again is definitely better than The Twist (though when Sigourney Weaver as Babe Paley does it in Infamous it is awesome - both the song and her dance).

I would like to go on record to say that whilst The Twist is a fine song, and has the distinction of being the only #1 song to go to top the Hot 100 during two separate releases, the superior song in the oeuvre Checker is Slow Twistin', a duet with Dee Dee Sharp.

I didn't mind The Box, El Box in Mexico. I am not saying it was a great movie, and the ending was convoluted, but if it is 3am and you can't sleep, there are worse things to watch.

Oh, why? Wasn't the original fine?

Richard E. Grant's With Nails tells some good dirt on Hudson Hawk. It seems like it was a good movie which went off the rails.

I just know that I had a huge crush on Trent until they did a Daria special and showed the voice-actor.

My complaints are picayune and more suited to the guy living in his parents' basement: that did not sound like Caspar Weinberger and 1981 is far too early to introduce the Strategic Defense Initiative.
