
Oh, you nailed it. Fleming was a very handsome young man with just a hint of malice. Tom Felton would be perfect.

It could have been worse, Guy Burgess could have blown him.

It could have been worse, Guy Burgess could have blown him.

I am very pro-Octopussy. It had a smashing poster, a fun Cold War plot, and it was age-appropriate for Moore, who was 106 at the time (those Swiss clinics are fantastic). I never understood why that movie gets a bum rap. I will admit that the villain's M.O. is a mite vague. Why would Kamal Khan get involved with

I am very pro-Octopussy. It had a smashing poster, a fun Cold War plot, and it was age-appropriate for Moore, who was 106 at the time (those Swiss clinics are fantastic). I never understood why that movie gets a bum rap. I will admit that the villain's M.O. is a mite vague. Why would Kamal Khan get involved with

I was puzzling that out myself and I came up with naught. 

The show Roseanne's Nuts is pretty damned fun. It is a reality show about her life on a nut farm in Hawaii where she lives with her musician boyfriend. Her son is around a lot.

I forgot Paul Mazursky did Harry and Tonto. You know, I haven't seen the movie since I was a teenager and I was an odious know-it-all back then (as opposed to the Full of Shit adult I am today) so I didn't think much of it. I was in a major John Waters/ Troma phase anyhow. If someone wasn't tortured physically or

I am working from memory on Damien Bona's Inside Oscar books. And, remember, I am speaking from what critics were discussing at the time, not with the benefit of hindsight.

I disagree that Cuckoo's Nest was Oscar-bait. I think the concept was nascent in 1975. I mean, if anything, the previous ten years of Best Picture winners leaned toward British or musical. Midnight Cowboy is a glaring exception and I still cannot figure out how a geriatric Academy awarded that film the big prize. The

One of two jokes I found amusing this episode. The other was Claire saying, "36? 38?"

I am about to say the stupidest thing I have ever said on this site (well, save admitting my shameful lust for The Situation), but did this episode seem… plotted?

And this is why in loco parentis has gone way too far in this country.

I am glad I am not the only one who missed the phone book and birthday lines. I just watched the show on the Hulu and I swear it wasn't there. Does this have to do with those screeners? Or did they broadcast the episode at TCA?

Zee German zereal ist zuperior doo zee American.

My favorite cereal knockoffs were in the Peanuts cartoons. Charlie Brown at cereals with names like "Bam!" and "Pow!" Even as a child, I found that hilarious.

Charlotte Rae and Todd Bridges vying for last man standing.

No, I am from central NY. Back when I was a kid there were places, "clubs", that were for different ethnicities. So when I visited Grandma, I'd be taken to the Russian Club. When I was home, it was Club Polski. That sort of thing. You'd get a little orange juice glass filled with beer and you'd play that old bowling

I met John Goodman in New Orleans back in 1989 when I was there for a high school competition and you could drink in bars a lot more easily. It was like two in the afternoon and it was me and my friend and John and his friend and the bartender. I said something that got everyone chuckling. I grew up in bars, so I

Does anyone stream Netflix here through their Roku or hoo-hoo TV or Blu-Ray?