
My crush was on Mark. I was all about Mark.

I know I am coming to this party late, but I can relate to McGovern's accent in this sense: I travel in Europe more than the average American due to work and vacation. I will spend upwards of six months in England. I also live in France and Germany a lot.

Really? Nothing from Absolute Beginners?

That Razzie speech is hilarious. If you get a chance, go on that YouTube all the kids are watchin' and check it out.

Sandra Bullock's win was for Years of Meritorious Service. Her movies make a profit. She is well-liked and professional. She is also a movie star, which is different than an actress (and that is not to demean movie stardom - Julia Roberts's win for Erin Brockovich is a great example of a star performance). So she won

Roy G. Biv, Good Lord I completely forgot.

I disagree. I actually think the dubbing of CTHD is superior to the subtitles, and I am a hoo-hoo who rarely watches a dubbed film. I only saw the movie in the cinema with subtitles (eight times, that movie hit me in the right place), but once a friend bitched he didn't want subtitles and the dubbing was really good.

I disagree. I actually think the dubbing of CTHD is superior to the subtitles, and I am a hoo-hoo who rarely watches a dubbed film. I only saw the movie in the cinema with subtitles (eight times, that movie hit me in the right place), but once a friend bitched he didn't want subtitles and the dubbing was really good.

The stripes were specific to the colors of the Rainbow Flag. I just found it curious.

There is something to that. I wonder how the various companies campaigned for their films.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon also.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon also.

Personally, I thought Pierce Gagnon had a shot at Supporting Actor. His performance is difficult enough to be convincing in an adult, but to find it in a child is amazing.

I do not know what he had to do this year to get a nomination since all four of his movies were worthy of performance nods. I figured he was a shoo-in.

The UK press were really hopeful Skyfall would pull a Best Picture nod because of the ten slots available. The movie has caused a lot of excitement for them with it making $1 billion and nominations for Bardem and Dench. I watched the nominations on the Beeb and their disappointment was mentioned a lot.

Mine was when she slid down the bearing column after throwing Axl against the wall. The myriad emotions and thoughts passing through her eyes was amazing. Her world was crashing and she could not believe her misfortune. That one got me.

Am I nuts, well, I am nuts, but was Brick wearing a Gay Pride t-shirt?


Good stuff, presidential history is a sideline of mine and it is hard to explain to people what actually happened versus their desire to utilize an event or person to fit into their political belief system. I do realize films must take liberties, and I haven't a problem with that so much as I don't like being beaten

David Bowie was the first "modern" artist I discovered without the benefit of my parents' influence. As an 11 year old, MTV played Ashes to Ashes and I found someone I could like on my own. Since I am a bit of a compulsive collector, an all-or-nothing personality, I launched into his oeuvre.