
It is easiest to empathize with Jan Brady, oh, I mean Lady Edith.

She was on the later television show.

Robert is an ass. Can you imagine what an ass he'd be if he didn't marry the kind Cora?

I disagree with the premise that the show's fascination resides between the dichotomy of modernity and tradition. I think that the show is so popular, specifically for Americans, because we envy the class system. We resent the nouveaux riches because we want to be on Diddy's yacht. We covet and find that money alone

I purchased the Criterion disc when it came out, but I didn't watch it for over a year. One late night, I couldn't sleep and brought the laptop out on the patio.

He was kinda cute when he was young.

@avclub-5ad0d54163b227a02d91a3d3717ad649:disqus @avclub-7e1ce4ce3124fd9ecc13a151afcff11b:disqus

But that is what happens in low-budget movies. You use what you have. You want to make a movie and then life intrudes and you make decisions.

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Mrs. Kruse was happy there was an articulate kid in the class. Even if you wrote that the movie was an allegory about marzipan and its use in Italian desserts, you would have received an A. That is what good teachers do, they encourage you to be mentally active.

Here's the thing: there is no social commentary. The dude made a low-budget movie about zombies. The fact that the (awesome) lead was black had to do with salary and he was the best available.

I don't approve of this show. You know why? Because it implies people give a damn about Chief O'Brien and that Keiko bullroar.

I am really happy you gave some props to Patti Page. Grandpa loved her. He'd play Patti Page albums on his Hi Fi console (remember that shit?). He resembled George Gobel and despite being first generation American spoke with a Russian accent. I miss him decades later.

I remember I was waiting tables and I was upset I might miss the Seinfeld finale. I was lucky, it was a slow night and I rushed home and tuned in NBC on my rabbit ears (those were the days).

I wouldn't mind going on the journey again, but the main problem is that I cannot stand Jack. I mean there is so much in the show that I loved, right down to Mama Cass. I dug the Dharma Initiative when it was still cryptic and pieces were given to you.

I wouldn't mind going on the journey again, but the main problem is that I cannot stand Jack. I mean there is so much in the show that I loved, right down to Mama Cass. I dug the Dharma Initiative when it was still cryptic and pieces were given to you.

I would fellate The Situation.

I would fellate The Situation.

That poor guy. Everyone pissed on the Lost finale (I gave up on the show around Season Four). Hoo-hoos pissed on Prometheus. I mean, give the guy is a break.

That poor guy. Everyone pissed on the Lost finale (I gave up on the show around Season Four). Hoo-hoos pissed on Prometheus. I mean, give the guy is a break.