Space Butler

Yeah, I've been going since 2008 and the first I heard of it was about 8 months ago.

I used to work a third-shift cashier job a a grocery store. This sounds way more interesting than what the nights are actually like, which is more restocking register candy and staring into the middle distance at 3 AM while the music begins its 47th loop of the night, the periodic stoned teenagers on Funyuns runs

A friend invited me to see Your Highness with her in the theater after she got free passes to it. So, yeah.

I love her reaction shots to the things he says, like the "You think you're foxy?" line, or "She keeps me from doing heroin" in Red Team.

This sounds amazing. I was reading at work and having to stop about every half-paragraph to keep from laughing out loud. Have to get ahold of that original pilot now.

I had to go back and listen again to hear it for myself, but… yeah. Wow.

@avclub-d3de383163af6b06b6aac483661d7e87:disqus Thank you for the clarification! I'm actually pretty happy to know that.

I'm not sure how it'd affect things that (I'm pretty sure) he released it under Creative Commons. His version is actually still available to download for free on his blog from the Thing-A-Week project.

I'd watch that.

I don't know, I always felt like JoCo's version fell into the realm of parody, what with the massive shift in style. This is a pretty much a straight-up copy of his version, though.

Featuring Failure Pile

Now, now, don't be hasty. Let's see which seasons they give us first.

I work in IT. This basically sums up 40+ hours of my life every week.

I had forgotten that, and will concede that point. It still seems like a stretch that the character wouldn't have read one in her entire life until this episode, though.

I couldn't agree more. The guys finding that the girls got into comics on their own doesn't even begin to redeem the tearing down they received throughout the rest of the episode. Even with the positives from the girls' storyline, Penny's bullying exploits were highlighted for comedy, and they seem to have forgotten

Gimme five bees for a quarter!

That Simpsons episode where Homer owed Patty and Selma money, and he ended up having an extra job as a driver and tried to play 2000 Year Old Man with Mel Brooks in the car.

That Simpsons episode where Homer owed Patty and Selma money, and he ended up having an extra job as a driver and tried to play 2000 Year Old Man with Mel Brooks in the car.

I had the same experience meeting him at Dragon*Con this year. Very warm and friendly. He shook my hand immediately when I walked up and we had a very nice conversation. He'd also greet people in various character voices, which was fantastic.

I had the same experience meeting him at Dragon*Con this year. Very warm and friendly. He shook my hand immediately when I walked up and we had a very nice conversation. He'd also greet people in various character voices, which was fantastic.