Space Butler

The best part for me was that I was about half a second away from asking the people I was watching it with the same question.

The best part for me was that I was about half a second away from asking the people I was watching it with the same question.

Most of the time I don't pay a bit of attention to the background product placement. Even if a character I enjoy likes Pepsi, I'm still going to get a Coke when I have a choice. If it's going to be more overt, when done right, I like the funny, lampshading approach that other people have pointed out that shows like

Most of the time I don't pay a bit of attention to the background product placement. Even if a character I enjoy likes Pepsi, I'm still going to get a Coke when I have a choice. If it's going to be more overt, when done right, I like the funny, lampshading approach that other people have pointed out that shows like

My family didn't see it until it was on video. My little sister got all emotional towards the end, but the guy hitting the railing made her laugh, so I just spent 5 minutes rewinding and replaying that over and over to cheer her up.

My family didn't see it until it was on video. My little sister got all emotional towards the end, but the guy hitting the railing made her laugh, so I just spent 5 minutes rewinding and replaying that over and over to cheer her up.

Passed by an FX showing of Snakes on a Plane a while back. I swear this was an actual dub.

Passed by an FX showing of Snakes on a Plane a while back. I swear this was an actual dub.

I've never had much patience for reality TV in general. My family has some sort of staring-at-a-train-wreck fascination with Toddlers and Tiaras, Dance Moms, and Here Comes Honey Boo Boo that I just can't understand.

I've never had much patience for reality TV in general. My family has some sort of staring-at-a-train-wreck fascination with Toddlers and Tiaras, Dance Moms, and Here Comes Honey Boo Boo that I just can't understand.

The marketing for The Spirit was terrible, and no one I knew that had seen it enjoyed it. Against my better judgment, I ended up going anyway, based entirely on the recommendation of one newspaper review, and was really surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Whatever it is that doesn't seem to click for most people

The marketing for The Spirit was terrible, and no one I knew that had seen it enjoyed it. Against my better judgment, I ended up going anyway, based entirely on the recommendation of one newspaper review, and was really surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Whatever it is that doesn't seem to click for most people

Yeah, I caught the very end of it in a restaurant a couple of days ago, in the plum slot of 5:30 on a Sunday afternoon, and feared that it was just being burned off there before I could see a full episode of Fred Willard hosting awesomeness. I looked it up, and apparently they started showing it at some point at 9 PM

Yeah, I caught the very end of it in a restaurant a couple of days ago, in the plum slot of 5:30 on a Sunday afternoon, and feared that it was just being burned off there before I could see a full episode of Fred Willard hosting awesomeness. I looked it up, and apparently they started showing it at some point at 9 PM

My family was trying to rummage through the Daily Show website last
night, and with each access of the main page, we were greeted with a
video ad covering the entire page, going on about the DirecTV issue and how we need to call them to demand they reach an agreement.
There was no way to pause, stop, or close the ad

My family was trying to rummage through the Daily Show website last
night, and with each access of the main page, we were greeted with a
video ad covering the entire page, going on about the DirecTV issue and how we need to call them to demand they reach an agreement.
There was no way to pause, stop, or close the ad

I've started noticing the same thing. They're ending with very final, permanent changes to their established universe. Not so much in the episode with Bender's son, since he was just introduced, but we followed that with Mars being destroyed, the current timeline being set to lead to a robot uprising and humanity

I've started noticing the same thing. They're ending with very final, permanent changes to their established universe. Not so much in the episode with Bender's son, since he was just introduced, but we followed that with Mars being destroyed, the current timeline being set to lead to a robot uprising and humanity