Chuck Richelieu

> They've got a lot of balls in the air

Yes… the "Clockwork Oranging" explains the 63's odd current-day behavior in previous episodes. Previously non-violent offenders (the bank robber dude) becoming inexplicably violent in the present, the various 63's weird irrational fixations with re-creating their previous crimes, etc.

> You know, as much fun as I had with this episode, I feel like the
> of "One World" should have been separated from a "Battle of the

> it was a real bad move by the guys to give the women an ember

> The line about "double-dog duh" or whatever

Blair Brown steps up to the plate; the pitch is low, but in the zone…

I hate to be the one to pee in the punchbowl, but with all the big revelations in the last few episodes I really do think the show runners are wrapping this puppy up this season.

If you watched TV with any regularity during the 70s that dude showed up in primetime, like, three times a week.

Winona Forever!

Hey, @avclub-ba7ca22b615f4f8a1743406d3550c93a:disqus , there are fan edits out there of Superman III on the intertubes that remove (or at least tone down) the goofiness of the Pryor plot line. Makes for a much more enjoyable viewing experience.

Heston as Richelieu was simultaneously the awesomest and absurdest thing ever. I ♥ dichotomies.

Stop it! Or I’ll release the dogs, or the bees, or the dogs with
bees in their mouths, and when they bark they shoot bees at you.

@drdarke:disqus Of course. Obvious. Now I feel like such a smeghead.

I say we rent a bus and road trip to San Diego for next year's Pacey-Con.

Only one Observer question demands an answer: What is up with the hot sauce?

And the bit from Repo Man was a reference to the MacGuffin with the glowing contents in Kiss Me Deadly. That takes the trope back to 1955. Don't know if it goes back any further.

> "So we can add 'The Event' to shows Fringe was like tonight."

Mmmmmm… herring muffins… < /Homer voice>

I was also flashing on The Crazies and, of all things, Resident Evil 2. It's an homage-fest!

With the "I was a con man in Iraq" call back to the pilot (!) I get the feeling they're trying to tie things up and bring it all back on home. Restoring the characters, the universes, etc.