mcketrick supplicants

I also second the idea that despite a gargantuan marketing budget, I was only vaguely aware of this movie. Seeing the preview once, it was immediately apparent that it would bomb:
- No stars that anyone cares about (needed Tom Cruise or some A-lister)
- Rehashing an ancient plot that's been done to death
- Action looks

It'll be the social event of the season!


I'm surprised that nobody has made the obvious parallels between FatF and Gone in 60 Seconds, which came out 1 year earlier and featured a lot of the same storytelling beats, right down to the multiethnic crew, the FAMILYFAMILYFAMILY, and the down-home barbeque.

Does this mean that My World of Flops has also seen its last Fiasco?

Rot in hell.

On the plus side, Roger Ailes just died! So it kind of lessens the sting…

You're spiraling towards a black hole, son.

No, he was the guy who played Ned Ryerson in Groundhog Day!

I'm bummed that I didn't see it when he posted it (was probably still self-immolating over the election)…but wow. I had no idea O'Neal went through all of that. I'm so glad he made it through to the other side.

How else is this bus gonna get unstuck from the mud, hmmm?

Indeed. Which means that I don't see anything below the neck ;)

This is a really difficult thing for anyone to be going through, and serious kudos to the Gaffigans for being able to find the humor in a tough situation. Jeannie needed to have a tracheostomy, which means that her recovery is way more prolonged than usual for these.

Sir Paul McCartney IS…Ruth

Apparently in this 100% realistic world, the town of Springfield, NT overlaps with Kalamazoo, MI (zip code 49007). Maybe this is like a China Mieville, City & the City thing.

It has to be pronounced "tur-KWAZ" for the full effect.

MLA, I have a business proposition for you:

"You can't win, Darth."

I've heard that assholes made Baby Jesus cry. Or something.

I will prefer to imagine that you are lying down next to the stove, sauteeing a bunch of tiny onions in a skillet, and you accidentally landed some on your midsection.