No worries - I read this as a tongue-in-cheek comment to Duvall, gently chastising for not using the first spot for the traditional "How was your weekend, losers?"
No worries - I read this as a tongue-in-cheek comment to Duvall, gently chastising for not using the first spot for the traditional "How was your weekend, losers?"
Mitch Cumstein?
"The invisible plane has a weight limit, you disgusting blob!"
Wait, you guys, apparently Patton Oswalt wrote something really touching about the anniversary of his wife's death. I know! It's like you have to dig to find these things.
I'm flying American to San Francisco on Tuesday.
Bleaker House
2 Bleak 2 House
Bl3ak House
As much as I detest Trainor's music, I do think that constantly alluding to the fact that she's from Nantucket as being a sign that she's rich and privileged is a little unfair. People who live year-round on the Cape and the Islands (she moved to Eastham, on the Cape, when she was 13) generally aren't well-to-do, and…
Then I'll see you in hell!
Once again, we've all fallen into the trap.
Slab Bulkhead!
There was also a cartridge with the single greatest title in the history of video games: Beat 'Em and Eat 'Em. Yes, it did feature cartoon penises, and yes, the goal was to gobble up their spooge for points. Thank you, Mystique Entertainment.
The Fairchild really made no impression on me, as I didn't know anyone who could afford it. Atari just did such a better job with the mass market, which is why it's all the more astonishing that they completely cratered an industry they practically created for themselves and had total domination over.
Probably a movie that doesn't treat religious conversion scenes like cum shots?
He's not Howser, he's Doug Quaid.
Does this mean that Copacabana can retroactively be called a gay anthem?
JGoo is clearly Dutch and was using voice-to-text.
Yes, I agree. That's why I said the half-gallon containers are best. The gallon plastic jugs are ridiculously stupid and wasteful. The Costco milk containers make way too much sense — I suspect this container must have been pioneered in Japan, land of the cubic watermelon.
No, he's playing second base.
Robert Denby was Brünnhilde all along! Thanks for summarizing your Immolation Scene so succinctly.