Bourbon Renewal

Anvil fucking rocked! METAL ON METAL!!!!

I'm a big fan of the Loonies & Twonies (sp?), but yeah, the rainbow money just looks stupid. Stupid Canadians. Oh I wish were blowing up Prince Edward Island, and then go to bomb Ontario, the destruction of Canada and all of it's culture is by far my fav-o-rite scenario!

This was the first movie that officially gave me a migraine. Halfway through, I was all, "Uh, anyone wanna watch Memento now???"

Fun facts I've picked up about Canadians during my voyages:
1) They burned down The White House. Twice.
That is all.

Hey at least we recalled Filner. Nope, nothing ever happened, nothing to see here folks. Just keep movin' along…

Alex Trebek, eh?

(Bites end of revolver, while tightening noose, while jumping off a bridge).

Laugh if you will, but it provides endless entertainment to autistic children. Any moms out there with "special" children looking to occupy their attention while you attend to "other needs", this is the film for you.

Oh yeah, Marcus Lattrell…forward for The Lakers, right? Heck of a player. If Marky Mark can pull off that role, he can come over and fuck mah sister.

Surely you can't think that was a sincere sentiment?

That guy on the right is Dennis Reynolds. And, as an aside: Now I would walk 500 miles, and I would walk 500 more!

I got tired after the first paragraph. Sounds like a Red Box-er.

Yeah, C+ is pretty harsh. Totally middling & petulant.

That actually makes him quite a bit scarier. Thank you for that enlightenment, Sir.


It at least had the benefit of Rhona Mitra, the original body model for Lara Croft. "Doomsday", a similarly shitty movie, also benefited from such.

Eh, Dwight Schrute's "Streulpetre" (sp?) was far more frightening.

Sir, I am in your debt for that link.

Tell me if I'm way off base here, fellas, but could there ever be a stupider, less-intimidating name for a monster than "Grendel"?

I was raised on "Newhart", and being from a small New England town, the foibles of the "locals" were not lost on me. Scolari's character was fantastic, what with his obsession with "The Turbo Z" (one can only imagine what sort of horrible car the Turbo Z was; I always pictured t-top roofs and some kind of bird