Tits McForehead

Nit: one hoes rows, not roads.

I swear to God I wish I had the time to edit your work, Phil. You're not a bad writer, but you need an editor.

…"who can know the heart of another?"

That review is un-filtered motherfucking truth that don't need you correcting its grammar or suggesting it pick up a fuckin' thesaurus or maybe just learn how to use an internet search engine. Don't go trying to tart it up with your fancy-ass words, you tit.

No, you don't "totally agree" that an artist should be free to express whatever they want.

The five-minute prologue that kicks off the series is the best bit by far. The scene is a bleakly apocalyptic Earth, with Prock in a showdown with Dr. Malocchio. The animation gets very odd here; why is Concierge’s head twice as big as the other characters’? Why does Birdman’s hair conspicuously turn from white to

"The five-minute prologue that kicks off the series is the best bit by far: a bleakly apocalyptic Earth, with Prock in a showdown with Dr. Malocchio. So the animation can reach some heights, so then why is Concierge’s head twice as big as the other characters’? Why does Birdman’s hair conspicuously turn from white to

Fuck you, McFarland. 

What the hell are the shows about? You wrote seven paragraphs and I have no idea.

I haven't read the autobiography, but the Guardian article quotes him as saying it was shocking to see that Jimmy Stewart "could be" a bad actor in a Hitchcock film Welles didn't like. In that context, Kevin, perhaps you should rethink this:

Maybe, but at least the review was well-written and insightful. I wish that wasn't notable.

No, she wasn't the "Phil Hartman" of the original cast of SNL. She's a fine actress, but that's an insult to Hartman, and more evidence that this place has gone to shit.

"… Kore-eda’s understanding of young children is typically astute (both boys take it in stride when informed they’ll be switching homes and parents, acting out later in more subtle ways."

No shit, a tall-boy Dr. Pepper is "not optional?"

Sometimes? Sometimes I don't know whether you guys are just being sarcastic, or whether you believe what you're writing. I think maybe you're being sarcastic. I hope you're being sarcastic. Because if you're not being sarcastic? I think maybe you're a vapid asshole. I mean, it's not like this would be the first time

Sometimes? Sometimes I don't know whether you guys are just being sarcastic, or whether you believe what you're writing. I think maybe you're being sarcastic. I hope you're being sarcastic. Because if you're not being sarcastic? I think maybe you're a vapid asshole. I mean, it's not like this would be the first time

"No, see, it's not a pipe, it's a picture of a pipe."

"No, see, it's not a pipe, it's a picture of a pipe."

You got played, kid.

You got played, kid.