Tits McForehead

Glad you enjoyed it. God willing and the creek don't rise, we'll be here to host you again for a long time.

Glad you enjoyed it. God willing and the creek don't rise, we'll be here to host you again for a long time.

The bar exam seems to weed out a fair number of folks who graduate from law school. That's not to say I don't run across idiots who practice law, but as a bar to entry a three day exam that you have to take in person seems somewhat effective.

The bar exam seems to weed out a fair number of folks who graduate from law school. That's not to say I don't run across idiots who practice law, but as a bar to entry a three day exam that you have to take in person seems somewhat effective.

Who fucking cares? No, really, I'm curious. Who gives a fuck what Mike Love, Brian Wilson, or any other current/former member of the Beach Boys are doing now?

Who fucking cares? No, really, I'm curious. Who gives a fuck what Mike Love, Brian Wilson, or any other current/former member of the Beach Boys are doing now?

The Wild Seeds, Zeitgeist (The Reivers), Dumptruck. Oh my stars and garters this brings me back.

The Wild Seeds, Zeitgeist (The Reivers), Dumptruck. Oh my stars and garters this brings me back.

That's not a personal preference. That was a Three Stooges reference. The bit in the Simpsons is also a Three Stooges reference. I find it hard to believe that most people don't recognize the "original provenance" of that bit.

That's not a personal preference. That was a Three Stooges reference. The bit in the Simpsons is also a Three Stooges reference. I find it hard to believe that most people don't recognize the "original provenance" of that bit.

There are 152 comments as I write this, and undoubtedly there are a few folks who've already said it but: Fuck no.

There are 152 comments as I write this, and undoubtedly there are a few folks who've already said it but: Fuck no.

I played computer and video games for most of my leisure time the days of pong until maybe a decade ago. Since then it's been mostly games with my now 11 year-old son. So this top 10 list isn't really intended to be the "best of all time," but rather the games that, for a while, completely dominated my time. There are

I played computer and video games for most of my leisure time the days of pong until maybe a decade ago. Since then it's been mostly games with my now 11 year-old son. So this top 10 list isn't really intended to be the "best of all time," but rather the games that, for a while, completely dominated my time. There are

I kept looking for Baldur's Gate or its sequel. Both great games. Also, no love for Myth: the Fallen Lords or Soulblighter or any of the Tribes games?

I kept looking for Baldur's Gate or its sequel. Both great games. Also, no love for Myth: the Fallen Lords or Soulblighter or any of the Tribes games?

Yeah you rite.

Yeah you rite.

I think Orwell's personal history with socialism had a lot to do with 1984. Stalin turned a lot of people off, you know. 

I think Orwell's personal history with socialism had a lot to do with 1984. Stalin turned a lot of people off, you know.