Tits McForehead

Well said, Nathan. Thanks.

You know what I'm nostalgic for? Polio.


Any way to figure out the artist on that prog-funk track in the last clip? Google and IMDB have let me down thus far.

Ramsay in New Orleans
While he was filming the episode at Zeke's, he was staying at the Ritz on Canal Street. I have no idea where he went while he was here, but at least he did stay in New Orleans.

You're right about the Hot 8. Those kids are pretty fucking good. They played a second line for a friend's funeral a few weeks ago. I hadn't heard them before, but I was impressed.

@New Orleans Resident Yeah you rite, baby. I was born in New Orleans, and apart from some time away for school have lived here all my life. I couldn't live anywhere else, despite the issues we have, but one of the best things to happen to the city was the influx of people like you post-Katrina.

Great fucking interview, Sean.

@Eddie Dean

Richman is, indeed, a douche. How a man who does not know the first thing about cooking became a food writer is a mystery. That he became an award-winning food writer is a fucking travesty.

Setting aside the "perpetually stoned city" comment, which I suppose could be interpreted as an insult to New Orleanians, I'll try to give you some perspective.

No, this entire thread has been an elaborate hoax, designed over the course of months by all of us, purely to prank *you*. It was an incredible effort to coordinate so many individual posters, but we succeeded.

John Goodman's character is based on Ashley Morris, and reportedly that rant is fairly close to some of his writing. I haven't seen the episode, but this one was his "greatest hit."

My John Goodman has lost considerable weight, and no longer eats pork.

I am with you.
I have a serious problem with this kind of humor. It was a brilliant show, but there were times I almost wanted to leave the room, and I still haven't seen the Christmas special. I did enjoy 90% of it though, and there was enough hilarity to make it worth the awkwardness.

Was an outstanding interview. Jesus, man, good show.

I can understand
the hate for Garden State. But I was a fan of the Shins before the movie, and it really hasn't changed my opinion of that song. I also don't think Mercer is necessarily doomed to produce mediocrity for the rest of his career. He's clearly capable of more, and I guess the question is whether his band


Piano Magic
The band's name sounds like a cleaning product, but that was a good song, and I'd never heard of them.

I don't know
What is wrong with you people, but Valentine's is a sacred day devoted to love, togetherness, and the sale of chocolates shaped like genitals around here.