Tits McForehead

Please don't use the term "Nawlins." That's not how anyone you've ever met pronounces it, and you sound like a complete douchebag when you do. Did you grow up here? No? THEN DO NOT FUCKING TRY TO PRONOUNCE IT NAWLINS.

Precisely what I came to say. Also, I'm really not all that excited about the various "decider" sites' content being added to my feed in the first place.

Really? Because for $17 and a ham sandwich, Piscopo will follow you around for a day.

I'm with you on the Tim Powers love, though that's not one of his better works, if memory serves.

Need to close the italics on the second to last "King of the Hill" in that last paragraph, Hoss.

O'Neal, that was fucking brilliant.

"Exquisite?" On what basis? Because while he may be capable of producing good food, 99.99% of you will never taste it, and even if you did, most of you wouldn't know the difference anyway.

Yes, and you're a day early sweetheart.

The Buzzkill has been excellent lately. Great writing.

Just north of Mount Who.

Yes, I know he was English, and that's why I put the asterisks around American Literature. It was a boneheaded move to write about Wodehouse in that class, and then I did a piss poor job of it to boot. I got the "C" for… other reasons.

My dad turned me on to Wodehouse when I was in junior high, I think. He had a pretty sweet collection of paperbacks. He's a brilliant comic writer, and he's so clever that he makes you feel more smarterer when you read him.

That Coppola dude has some pretty good vino.

Wait, what?
Put things in perspective? Jesus H. Fucking Christ, are you so far up your own ass that you LACKED "perspective" until Michael Jackson, or Ed McMahon, or Farrah Fawcett died?

"I'm looking forward to seeing if the producers will try to nudge Rick out of his comfort zone in the Champions Round, because if he's allowed to make high-end Mexican food every time out, he'll be exceedingly difficult to beat."

Very unimpressed
with the Judges so far. Only the English guy seems competent. Oseland is the reason Saveur now sucks, Gael Greene is 102, and Kelly Choi is more leaden than Padme, and not as good-looking.

I'd love to know
what the fuck he was saying here:

You know
I have about as much desire to watch a movie made by Haneke as I do to cut off my left tit.

I think she's too young for most of those. The Seafood City bits were awesome. Our local PBS station does regular "remember when?" shows, and one of them was on old commercials. Part of it is here: http://www.youtube.com/watc…

It's not about doughnuts? I think you're mistaken, Mr. Salsa.