Tits McForehead

Man, I hope he gets some sort of infection and dies, then we can go to his funeral, and scream epithets at his family. AMIRITE, GUYS? BECAUSE THAT'S OK RITE BECAUSE HE'S A DOUCHE?

Most people who listen to NPR would do well under anyone who could conceivably be elected president. President Pol Pot, on the other hand…


It is so messed up that the AV Club is forced to cover things like this.

I am so glad to hear that Mr. Vedder is well, and helping the less fortunate. I guess that's what fascism is really about, when you think of it? OH SHIT WAIT DID I SAY FASCISM I MEANT CHRISTMAS OH FUCK NOW WHAT.

Richard Blaise smells like radish panna cotta and smoked hay.

Sean, that was brilliant.

"Still, it’s this same privilege that allows Gleason to be an essentially uplifting, rather than depressing, story. It raises the question: If Steve Gleason wasn’t a famous name, would we still be watching?" Do you not see the irony of asking that question as a writer at the Onion AV Club? If we didn't pay attention

What a fantastic piece, with outstanding, thoughtful and passionately felt contributions from everyone. Thanks for this.

Whether attorney fees are recoverable as "costs" varies from state to state. And those costs can include things like fees for expert witnesses, transcripts for depositions, costs to scan documents and conduct "e-discovery," and so forth. Things can get pretty pricey, but there's absolutely no way the "costs" in that

The award of $699,187.13 discussed in the article is in the Colorado state court suit; they've also been awarded "reasonable costs" in the federal suit, which haven't been calculated yet. I presume the federal costs are being awarded under FRCP 54?

"But even today, regrettably so, the core notion remains every bit as urgent, though the proper nouns in the subtext have all changed." It's perhaps a bit less urgent now that young men and women are not being drafted to fight, but your point remains.

Po Boys.

"His now 10-year-old son testified at the trial that Jace said “If you like running, then run to heaven,” before shooting his wife for the second time."

What are you doing bringing context to this internet debate, sir or madam?


Does the level and breadth of outrage about something like this demonstrate to potential investors how important Twitter is to a certain demographic who may also want to purchase electronic devices and soda pop?

"Of course it is generally preferable to hear an analyst, like NBC’s Cris Collinsworth, who makes the game smarter…" Holy shit. Sims is no genius, but Collinsworth? Makes the game smarter? Makes… smarter? Collinsworth?

I prefer, "It's not that I don't trust you… But I don't trust you."

I applaud the author's courage in making jokes about Woody Allen's personal life.